Saturday, July 17, 2010

العـــــــــــــــــرب والإنســــــــــــانيـــــــــــــــــــة

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

العرب يرون أن الصمت سيغير خرائط العالم. هم يرون أن الصمت هو مفتاح سيحل كل القضايا، هم يرون أن صمتهم سيضطر أمريكا وإسرائيل للانسحاب من مواقفها العدائية. هم يرون أن الصمت في كل قضية سواءّ هي تتعلق بها أم لا سيبرد كل الغضب والعنف.

ربما العرب قد نسوا التاريخ. هم نسوا أن كيف أبائهم وأجدادهم جاهدوا لبلادهم ولشعبهم. اليوم نحن ننظر العرب في الجرائد ، والمجلات، والتيلفيزيونات وفي المجالات التي لا تليق بهم، لكنهم لا يوجد في مجالات التعليم والتقنية ، والهندسة وفي الطب وفي الاتصالات

كل المجالات التي تفيد في الحياة الدنيا ، عرب غائبون منها. هم يحبون شراب الشأي، هم يجبون شرب السجائر، هم يحبون التكلم على الهاتف لكنهم يهربون من العمل الشاق والجهد.

هل الصمت وعدم التوجه إلى التعليم يمكن لهم أن يستعيدوا منصبهم ومكانهم في العالم؟ هل يمكن للعرب أن الصمت يسبب لهم النجاح في الحياة الدنيا؟

هذا العالم ليس هو كما نراه ، هذا العالم لن يقبل أي أحد حتى يستفيد من تجاربه. هذا العالم لن يقبل أي أحد حتى يضطر العالم أن يستسلم نفسه أمام إنجازاته وتحقيقاته. هذا العالم لن يقبل أي أحد حتى هو يثبت نفسه أن لديه قدرة لمواجهة تحديات العالم.

العرب لا يحبون العمل الشاق. هم يهربون منه. ليس لديهم صبر. هم يرون أن عمال الهنود والباكستانيين جاءوا إلى بلادهم ليعملوا عملاً شاقاً وهم خلقوا للاستراحة ومراقبة العمال.

بهذه الطريقة لن يمكن للعرب أن يستعيدوا مكانهم أو ينظر العالم إليهم بالعزة والإحترام.

الحوادث والقضايا التي تحدث كل يوم في المجتمع العربي هي شهادة أن العرب لم يستيقظوا من نومهم الدائم. هذه الحوادث تقع طالما العرب يكونون مغفولاً عن أهميتهم.

يجب على العرب والحكومات العربية أن يستيقظوا من نومهم، و يتخلوا عن كسلانهم وطبيعتهم على عدم استجابة التحديات التي واقفة أمامهم.

يجب علينا أن ننتظر أن متى العرب يستيقظ ومتى هم يجيئون لإنقاذ الإنسانية التي على شفا الموت.



Why governments interfere in Muslim’s religious issues?


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

It is noted that various countries across the glob are dictating their Muslim citizens to follow them in their religious life, as they want. Some countries made amendments in their constitutions to force Muslims on what they do and what they do not.

Student of history knows it very well that Muslims do not interfere in anybody's life. The Fatwa or decree that is being issued by Ulema is only for Muslims. It belongs not to other communities. Despite it, Muslims are under pressure from various sections and from various governments across the glob to follow the rules have been passed by them.

How Muslims pray, what Muslims eat, which kind of dresses are being wore by Muslim women, which kinds of foods Muslims intend to take it and such as other issues are related to only Muslims.

Any country, organisation and any government cannot force Muslims or Muslim women on what they do and what they do not in their daily life.

Such move is strongly condemnable and a bid to keep Muslims away from their Islamic rights. It is an effort to rob the rights from Muslims given to them by Islam.

If such moves continued to work, then it would be a religious catastrophe where Muslims deprived to take advantages from their rights secured it by Islam.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ban on veil is unfortunate


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

The ban on veil in France is unfortunate. Using of veil or wearing Naqab to cover the whole body is the basic right of Muslim women.

According to the report, five million Muslims are live in France, while only two thousand women wear veil.

Despite to be the less number of Muslim veiled women, France’s Parliament approved the laws to ban it.

Such action is based on racial discrimination and it is a bid to deny Muslim women from their Islamic rights.

Interestingly, European, Western and other countries are making amendment in their constitutions to give equal rights to women, while one of them passes a law to ban on veil that is the right of Muslim women given to them by Islam.

It is true that Hijab is not mandatory in Islam and there is no instruction that insists on specific Hijab or Naqab to be used only by Muslim women.

Which kind of dresses can be used by women to cover their body have been left on them. So that, in all Islamic world, Muslim women use different Hijab or Niqab.

The real aim behind using Niqab or Hijab is to cover the body. Hence Islam left this matter on Ulema and Muslim women to select themselves the dress in which they feel better and comfortable and save them from bad elements.

Wearing Hijab or Niqab is the fundamental right of Muslim women, and they not be denied from it.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

منع النساء المسلمات من استفادة حقوق الإسلام جرم كبير

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

أخيراً، فرنسا فرضت الحظر على ارتداء النقاب للنساء المسلمات. علماً أن عدد المسلمين في فرنسا هو خمس ملايين من المسلمين والمسلمات، وعدد النساء اللواتي يرتدين النقاب هو فقط ألفين ، يعني هناك فرق كبير بين النساء المسلمات والنساء المسلمات المحجبات ، رغم ذلك أقرت الحكومة الفرنسية القانون لمنع النساء من النقاب.

هذا القانون الجديد هو علامة للتدخل في الشئون الدينية للإسلام، لأن حق ارتداء النقاب أو الحجاب هو حق للمرأة المسلمة التي ذكره الله تبارك وتعالي في القرآن المجيد. وليس حق لأي دولة سواء هي مسلمة أو غير مسلمة أن تمنع مواطنيها المسلمة من تمتع الحقوق الأساسية التي أختارها الإسلام لها.

هذا أمر للاستعجاب خاصة للمسلمين أن البلدان الغربية والأوروبية والمنظمات الإنسانية والحقوقية التي تسعي لحماية حقوق المرأة وتناشد العالم والمجتمع الدولي لحفاظ حقوق النساء في مجتمعاتها ، هي تقر القانون على عدم استفادة من الحقوق التي أقرها الإسلام للنساء المسلمات.

المرأة المسلمة لديها حق أن ترتدي النقاب أو تستخدم أي ثوب لتغطية جسمها، لأن تغطية الجسم هي حقوق أساسية للمرأة المسلمة سواء هن يعشن في المجتمع الإسلامي أو الغربي أو الأوروبي وأي دولة ليس لها تبرير أو حق أن تمنع النساء المسلمات من ارتداء النقاب.


كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس ،ـ تأمرون بألمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر

عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

مسقبل العالم الإسلامي ومستقبل العرب مخفية في هذه الآية. هذه الآية الكريمة توضح أن الله تبارك وتعالي لماذا خلق الأنسان ولماذا أختار أمة محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لقيادة العالم. هذه الآية الكريمة تذكيرة للعرب لكي لا ينسوا أنفسهم.

اليوم نحن نشاهد أن هذا العالم الذي خلقه الله لعبادته ولنشر دينه يقدم منظراً مهيباً. قوات البلدان المتحضرة يرشون اسطول القنابل من السماء ويغتصبون حيوية الأرض هناك ، كذلك هم يعربون فرحهم على قتل ألأبرياء وينالون الجوائز من قادة دولهم.

هذا كل يحدث لأن العرب تركوا واجباتهم ونسوا مسئولياتهم. وهذه الذلة التي يواجهها المسلمون في كل أنحاء العالم هي لأن العرب حاولوا المشي على طريقة ليست أختيرت لهم.

كثرة القوات والقدرة على إمتلاك السلاح النووي والنمو في الإقتصاد والمباني الشامخة التي لن يمكن لها أن تجلس العرب على مكان القيادة, لأن الله تبارك وتعالي لم يختارهم لها ، بل أختيروا لأن يقودوا العالم تحت شعار الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر.

هذا العالم الذي يقدم المنظر المهيب والناس لا يريدون أن يروه هو قد وصل إلى هذه الحالة لأن العرب لم يقوموا واجباتهم ولم يستعدوا حتى الآن ان يحلوا محل مكان العالم.

فمتى يستيقظ العرب وإلى متى العالم يسيل دموعه على أوضاعه السيئة ، قد حان الوقت أن يستيقظ العرب لإستعادة منصبهم الذي أختاره الله لهم لهذا العالم الذي قد أصبح مجزرة للإنسان الذي خلقه الله تبارك وتعالي لنشر دينه ولإتمام حجته.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

قتل الأبرياء في ضوء القرآن الكريم

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي
اللوم على الإسلام والقرآن قد أصبح موضة معروفة في وسائل الإعلام و عبر الإنترنت. بعض المحققين والكاتبين يضيعون أوقاتهم على ماذا يقول الإسلام بالنسبة لغير المسلمين ، وماذا تعليماته للحجاب وماذا يأمر الإنسان للنساء العاريات وماذا يقول حول الخمر والرقص وغير ذلك.

رغم ذلك تعليمات الإسلام وأحكامه في كل أمور الحياة واضحة جداً و لا ريب فيه ولا غموض.

هي الحقيقة أن مثل هذه المباحثات غير ضرورية وهي محاولة نقل التوجه من الأوضاع الدموية إلى الوضع الذي يبدو أنه لم يحدث أي شيئ.

أعداء الإسلام ينوون أن يتحولوا التوجه إلى الأمور يوجد فيها اختلافات، فلذلك هم لا يريدون البحث على الآيات الكريمة والأحكام الإسلامية التي ليست فقط تنتقد عليهم بل يحذرهم من القتل والدمار والفساد.

كما نعلم أن الله تارك وتعالي أنزل القرآن المجيد للإنسانية جمعاء. ولا شك فيه أن القرآن الكريم يخاطب المسلمين والمؤمنين مباشرة لكن أحكامه وتعليماته ونصائحه للجميع كله. سواء هم يهودي أو مسيحي ، أو هندوس وغير ذلك فالقرآن الكريم يقول "من قتل الناس بغير نفس أو فساد في الأرض فكأنما قتل الناس جميعا". هذه الآية واضحة جداً لا ريب فيها ولا غموض. هل هناك أي تبرير لألف ألف قتيل في العراق وأفغانستان بدون سبب.

هذه الآية الكريمة واضحة لكل من الدول الغربية والأمريكية التي تفهم أن لديها تراخيص لقتل الأبرياء و يجب على جميع الدول أن تحترم القانون وتتجنب من قتل الأبرياء بأي سبب.


Interference and offensives worsened the situation


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Are Muslims really involved in terrorism across the glob? Are Muslims support terrorism? And why only Muslims have been found in violence?
 It is very necessary for Muslims to know the actual situation that is occurring around them.
 Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine and other Muslim countries are the places were Muslim youths have been forced to join the fleet of violence network..

Few years back, not a single incident of suicide or bomb blast had recorded in most of above countries. America’s offensive and their barbaric action forced the youths there to fight against occupation and the forces occupied their countries.

In other countries, America’s interfere in their political and internal affairs instigated the youths to jump into violence. This is the story of almost all countries.

Most of European and Western powers know the fact very clearly. They understand that interference in their country’s affairs has worsened the situation.

These tragic situations can be return to normalcy if world powerful countries stopped interference in their countries. If could not happen so, there is no hope of restoration of peace there.

Monday, July 12, 2010

متى يستيقظ العرب؟

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

منذ عقود ، نحن ننتقد على إسرائيل وأمريكا وحلفائها لعدم العدالة وعدم التوجه الكامل في القضية الفلسطينية، كذلك منذ زمن طويل، نحن نناشد العالم على إستجابة مطالب الدول العربية ورغم كل ذلك ، الوضع كما كان هو قبل عقود. هناك لا يوجد فرق إلا الخسارة الفادحة التي لحقت المسلمين والعرب في القضية الفلسطينية وقيام الأمن في الشرق الأوسط.

هل ما حان الوقت حتى الآن أن يستيقظ العرب من النوم الدائم؟ هل ما حان الوقت أن يستعدوا أنفسهم كقوم قوي وكجدار فولاذي.

هذه التطورات والحادثات فيها سبق لنا وللعرب أن نستعد أنفسنا، ونتخذ الإجراءات الصارمة والسريعة للجيل القادم وللمستقبل الزاهر.

لكن نرى أن الصمت قد ساد على العرب. وهم ساكتون وصامتون في معظم قضاياهم. ويبدو أنهم ليسوا جزءا من هذا العالم. إذا لن نستعد أنفسنا ولن نقف أمام التحديات الكبرى فلن يمكن لنا أن نقود العالم و لن يمكن لنا أن نعيش في هذا العالم بالعزة والاحترام.

يجب على العرب أن يغير مزاجهم، ويغير طريقتهم القديمة ، لأن هذه الطريقة وهذا النظام المستمر حالياً لن يبشر لنا لمستقبل جيد ولدولة قوية.

هل يمكن للعرب أن يستفيدوا من هذه الفرصة الثمينة التي أمامهم اليوم؟



Jihad, terrorism and Muslims


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

So much hue and cry over war to counter terrorism across the world in last more than seven years and a series of bomb blasts in India did not get the chance to be paid more attention on other issues. And when, the heat of war has started to its low, the time has come for Muslims to think on the measures taken and the mistakes occurred by them within and beyond India.

I think 9/11 attack and seeking the answer in Yes or No by the then American President Bush at the time of beginning of war on terrorism had paralyzed the power of thinking of Muslim governments and Muslims across the world. They were not able to understand to how deal with the situation. The result of it was that they gone into defense mood.

They were not in condition to what they do. Bomb blasts were remained to continue in and outside of India. Innocent civilians were sacrificing their lives. Media, some anti-Muslim and anti-Islam elements were blaming on Islam and Qura'an for increasing of bomb blasts and terrorism. From all corners Muslims, their youths and their religion were on target. The air of fear and terror against Islam and Muslims had created in and outside of India.

Entire Muslim community was in pressure. Their minds were not working. They were not able to know that how to be faced this situation. At the same time, demands began arising from a section of society that religious and moderate class of Muslim community should clarify their position on terrorism.

There was no way before them except, come to and face the challenges posed by the elements who search only their political interest to get more advantages in election and a justification on what they are doing against Muslims across the glob.

The matter reached to its final stage when terrorism linked to Jihad and propagated that the word Jihad in Islam instigates Muslims on violence.

The situation was going worsen day by day. Muslim leadership was in pressure to clear its position. In that situation not only in India but also in all over the world, religious and moderate class of Muslims came ahead and decided to oppose the terrorism.

In India, Muslims organized conferences in almost every state against terrorism. Fatawas have been issued, Ahadieth, and Qura'anic verses presented to shun such ideologies, likewise, scene seen across the glob. Despite it, bomb blasts remain to continue. Picking up Muslim youths remained to continue in India, and American forces were ready to kill any terrorist means Muslim.

Muslim moderate and religious class came into pressure here. They have gripped, as their enemies were wanted. They mixed up Jihad with terrorism. Though both terms are very, very different from each others. There are two things. First, Jihad and second is terrorism. Both could not be mixed up. However, word Jihad frequently used with terrorism, by a section of Media, American pro-Media and by Muslims too.

Why it happens so, and why Muslim cannot understand the conspiracy behind mixing these two terms, I am unable to understand it. If terrorists are being found in Muslim community so what's the matter to worry on it. This is a natural system. Muslims live in the society where other communities live. If wrong elements work in Muslim community, so I do not think that there is a matter of concern for entire Muslim community or there is no reason to others to blame Muslims for it.

The subject of discussion is not that Jihad in which circumstances is allowed or not, nor that what is its instructions in Islam. This is a baseless subject of discussion. Here is question only that a bad thing of society which always been found in other people of different communities has now permeated in Muslim community too and some Muslim youths have been affected of it. This is very simple thing missed to understand by Muslim class.

There are killers, rapists, kidnappers, Don, traffickers, kidnappers, thief etc are to be found in Muslims. Is it mean that Islam provides them shelter? Is it mean that Islam provides them support or these bad adjectives also be linked with Jihad. If it is not, then why only terrorism linked with Jihad and Islam? If Killers Rapists, Kidnappers, Don are to be found in Muslims, is it mean that Islam behind it.

This is the phenomenon of society where every kind of people whether they are Muslim, Hindus, Christian, Jews etc, can be a killer, rapist, terrorist and drug dealers. This is the global phenomenon and nobody can oppose it. Then why only terrorism liked to Jihad?

There is a question need to be answered very carefully that which community and nation are free from such very bad things, especially terrorism?

Previously said that Muslim youths are involved in various bomb blasts took place across the country. After that, it was become a fashion for police to arrest any Muslim youth, whether proofs indicates their innocence.

The investigations of security agencies so far show the other pictures of the scene. The outcome came into light after the arrest of some Hindutva elements is that Muslims and their community falsely implicated in bomb blasts.

The investigation yet now is going on. Malegaon, Mekka Masjid, and Ajmer Dargah bomb blast accused are in police custody. I hope that if security agencies continue to work honestly, other bomb blast case such as, Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, etc would be solved very soon.

All these investigations are an indication that Muslim youths falsely implicated in it and a section of communal Media played a great rule in defaming of Muslim's image in India.

Now, if we take a look on terrorism across the world, we see that only Muslim not involved in it. Every nation and every community are involved in it.

First, we take a look in India where Red Terrorism on high every time. Though there are various other groups are active across India.

1. 29th June, 2008, 38 security forces killed by Naxals in Bali mela of Odissa.

2. 20 June 2010, 26 security forces killed by Naxals in Narain pur of Chattis Garh.

3. 16 July 2008 21 serucity forces killed in mine blasts placed by Naxals in Malkan geeri in Odissa.

4. 6th April 2010, 75 secority forces killed in Dante warah

This is very, very brief story of those security forces have been killed in Naxal attacks. Otherwise, here is a list of such attacks and a list of innocent people killed in Red Terrorism. And the number is increasing day by day. Just keep and watch their developments in India.

Now Hindutva elements and activists are to be found in bomb blasts. They are also from Hindu religion.

Mr. Doug Bandow gives some light on terrorism in his article “why they want to kill us”, he says: “Terrorism is not new. It was used against Russian Tsars, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, and British colonial officials. Algerians employed terrorism against the French and later Algerian governments. Basque and Irish separatists freely relied on terrorism. Until Iraq, the most promiscuous suicide bombers were Tamils in Sri Lanka.

The situation is now very clear for us that such groups are being found in every community and in every country so why Jihad linked with terrorism. Will Jihad be linked with terrorism because Muslims are involved in it? If this is the way of thinking, then let me know that how we treat other community's terrorism. Are we may blame other community's terrorism with their religion. Are we may say them that their religion supports terrorism.

Jihad is a different thing and terrorism is different term. If some Muslims involved in terrorism it would be a no reason to say something on Jihad while the discussion is on terrorism.

This is the big mistake did by religious and educated Muslim class. They cannot clarify the differences of both terms. If there are terrorists in Muslims, the law will do its own job and they will receive the punishment for what they did.

This is very sample and very common thing missed by almost Muslim class. There are need that our educated Muslim class, before say something, should have study very clearly on the subjects they want to speak on it.

There is no matter of concern to hang their head in shame. There is need to open the eyes to see who are terrorists in India and who are not. As well as across the glob, you will see that the picture is very different.

Muslim leaders should have to come ahead very proudly. No reason to worry. There are details and open proofs indicate that the Muslims are not terrorist.

This is a conspiracy and a part of war to blame and defame the image of Muslims and Islam before other believers. This is the sedition is being demonstrated to justify the killing of innocent people. This is a confederacy prepared by those who are doing illegal works and leading anti-government movements in their camps as well as they are trying to divert the attention of police and the government from their anti-national works.

Muslims should have to be more careful from such conspiracies and try to present true picture of Islam. If there is any ambiguity in understanding the Islam, this is their responsibility to come and make clear it. Quraan says. “Invite mankind, ( O Muhammad ) to the way of your Allah with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better”. Surah An-Nahal
