Monday, August 29, 2011

Is there only one corruption?

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Corruption has two faces. One of them is related to money, and the second one is the use of religion and communal ways to get benefits or to escape from grip of law.
Sadly both corruptions are sweeping India. If one makes a way to use of resources in wrong way, so the second one strops communities growth. If the first makes the system corrupt, the second one stops development of minority's communities.
The first one is not more dangerous than the second one. The first one can be stopped through some actions and bringing transparency in the system, as well as, there is adjustment in the society to take step against the corruption, but the society is divided how to tackle and cripple the back of the corruption of other face. Even political parties have no common agreement to go against the second one.
According to a report around 40,000 people have been killed in communal violence against minority community. Financial damages and expenses of courts in getting their relatives out from jail are beside it. Both corruptions are preventing the country from development.
Arresting of Muslim youths, fabricating fake charges against them, languishing them into prisons and releasing the real culprit is an ugly face of corruption of second one. It shows how the system corrupt is.
Anna Hazare's anti-corruption movement discusses only one face of corruption. Agitation of people of Malegaon to get their sons out of prison and fast of Irom Sharmila since 2000 to scrape AFSPA named a doctrine law is a fight against the other face of corruption.
Sadly, government of India bows down within twelve days before so-called civil society's agitation against corruption while it lessens nothing to the people who are the passengers of same vessel.
Anna's movement grabs the national and international's attention through a section of media and gets success within few days while agitation of people of Malegaon and Irom Shamrila's fast have no place in national media, even the agitation by people of Malegaon failed to catch the attention from their own community.
Muslim scholars who are in forefront in condemning Imam Bukhari over his statement hardly they know that Muslims of Malegaon have been on agitation to bring justice to their youths who are the victim of corrupt system.
The decision of majority of Muslims for not expanding their supports to Anna is very right and accurate, because Anna's movement highlights the first face of corruption while it is silent on other face of corruption, and in this regard, Imam Bukhari's decision for not extending support to team Anna is valuable. 
Both corruptions whether will go to an end or not, Muslim community must expand extensive efforts to get all innocent Muslim youths out from prisons. Their rehabilitation and compensation to all are core issue for Muslim community too.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

بقيت أيام معدودة فقط لشهر رمضان المبارك عام 1432هـ

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

المسلمون في أنحاء العالم قد أدوا صلاة الجمعة الأخيرة لشهر رمضان المبارك، هذا الشهر العظيم يوشك على الإنتهاء، بقيت فقط أيام معدودة. على المسلمين أن يستفيدوا من هذه الايام المعدودة ويقيموا الصلاة والعبادة في معظم الأوقات بعيداً عن الكذب ، والنميمة، وسوء الظن ، ومن  جميع الأعمال التي تغضب الله تبارك وتعالى وتفسد الأعمال الصالحة وتبعد القلوب من ذكر الله تبارك وتعالى.
وعلى المسلمين أيضا أن يساعدوا المساكين والفقراء والمحتاجين من المسلمين بالمال والصدقة ويدعوا العافية والأمن والسلامة والإستقرار في البلدان المسلمة. ويدعو الله تبارك وتعالى أن يبدل قلوب أعداء الإسلام والمسلمين، ويوفقهم أن يدافعوا الإسلام والمسلمين في أنحاء العالم .
بعض الدول المسلمة تمر بالعنف ويسقط المسلمون كقتيل وجريح بايدى المسلمين، فعلى المسلمين أن يدعو الله تبارك وتعالى أن يعم الأمن والسلامة في جميع البلدان المسلمة.
وفي النهاية أتمنى للجميع الخير والعافية وأدعو الله تبارك وتعالى أن يعيد هذا الشهر العظيم علىًَ وعلى جميع المسلمين باليمن والبركات ولا تنسونا من دعائكم.