Saturday, January 22, 2011

Corruptions, unemployment and the role of Islamic Rulers


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Revolution in Tunisia surprised the world and everyone, especially; Arab leaders are in shock for this revolution ousted a 30 year old system in Tunisia.

Governments in Arab world rejected of happening same in its own countries, indeed they have fear of erupting the incident, like Tunisia, in anywhere.

Hence, some measures have been taken into effect by some Arab governments to ease the situation in its own countries.

Despite of little bit steps, the voices against price rise and unemployment raised in some Arab countries.

According to a report, one of those who have been set themselves on fire in Egypt has died. The conditions of others are still critical.

Kuwait has announced some relief packages to its citizens. Syria also raised salaries of its employees.

A conference of Arab leaders had been held in Sharam Al-Shaikh, Egypt, to discus on the developments put the middle east again in the news.

A media report claims that wife of ousted President of Tunisia, Zainuddin Bin Ali, run away with 1.5 ton gold.

Such as, the common man in India is facing much embarrassment due to price rise. Poverty rate is on high. Formers are ending their lives. Common people have no ways but to sleep with starvation or do the crime to get some money to arrange some foods for his family members.

On the other hand, corruption is on rise. Corrupted Ministers are out of jail, in spite of pushing the country into loss.

According to a new report, an IAS officer in MP has been found in corruption charges. Time of India gives some light on the assets of this IAS officer; “unaccounted wealth of Rs 360 crore. Cash and foreign currency found was too much to be counted manually — machines counted Rs 3 crore in cash and Rs 7 lakh in foreign currency. Gold worth Rs 67 lakh kept in a suitcase was also seized. This IAS officer has 25 flats and 400 acres of land”.

After all, corruptions and price rise forced the people to end their lives or stand to change the system.

Revolution in Tunisia is the first example of this movement. Let us wait and see what happens more in the world against corrupted and tyrannical systems and their leaders.

This is a snapshot of some cases, nevertheless; here are endless stories, cases and reports that never reached to people.

Let us look what Khulafa-e-Rashedeen did for their people and what was the standard of their governments. Hence despite of new revolutions in common lives and new experiments to make the life very easy, the world cannot present just only one example as Khulafa-e-Rashedeen and some Muslim leaders did for their own people.

There is one example from the life of Hazrat Umar (Razi-Allah-o-Anho) who prays to Allah to not punish the people for the sins made by him.

Once, drought spread in the time of Khilafat of Hazrat Umar. For thinking about the people; how they will be living and how they will be eating, Hazrat Umar, gives up eating fish, meat, or other sweets even he prays to Allah to not punish the people for his own sins and was very embarrassed for this famine and had always been thinking how he help the people and how keep their difficulties away from them. Even, the people started to pray to Allah; O Allah end this famine, we fear Umar would die worrying about the difficulties of Muslims

One day he was feeding poor people; he saw that one person is eating with his left hand, he went to him and asked to eat with the right hand; the person said that he has lost his right hand in the battle of Moota. Hazrat Umar sat down beside him and asked who helps you for ablution; who washes your cloths; after that; Hazrat Umar appointed one person for his help and arranged all essential needs to this person.

The life of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz was very unique. His life sets an example for all leaders, rulers and the people are dreaming to govern on the country.

One example is enough to give the light of how he governed.

One day; he went to home to meet their daughters; he noted that his daughters were putting hands on their mouths; he asked the reasons of it; he has been told that today there was nothing to eat for them in the house, so they ate onions and lentil. They are trying to put the hands on their mouth so that to prevent reaching its smell to you; When Hazart Umar Bin Abdul Azeez heard it, he started weeping and said to his daughters; O my daughters; are you happy to eat sweets and different kind of dishes and your father burns in the fire of hell. His daughters too started weeping when they heard this thing from his father, who was the Caliph of the country and it was very easy for him to arrange everything for his daughters; but he had fear from Allah and tried to pay his duty with honesty.

This is the life of a Muslim ruler, whose empire was stretched from the shore of Atlantic to the highlands of Pamir. (The Hundred Great Muslims)

Today; can we see this type of example in Muslim or none-Muslim world? Today; everyone is busy in making bank balance, whether the people live in poverty or die due to poverty. They have no concern about them.

The life of these two great Islamic rulers is an example for Muslim and none-Muslim world; Will Muslims leaders, instead to curb agitations and order to fire on mobs, reconsider on their own lives; it may help them in removing poverty and unemployment from their own countries.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

لماذا يخسر المسلون في العالم؟

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

هل العرب والمسلمون فكروا أن لماذا العالم يعاني الفقر والبطالة والغلاء والأفات السماوية؟ هل العرب والمسلمون يعرفون أن لماذا المسلمين وغير المسلمين يخسرون في العالم ؟ وما هي الأسباب لهذا الذل والهوان الذين يواجهونه المسلمون في العالم؟

البلدان المسلمة وغير المسلمة كلها تريد التنمية والنمو في الإقتصاد للوصول إلى مكان عال وتحقيق أحلامها وتوفير فرص عمل لمواطنيها، ورغم كل الجهود المبذولة والعمل الشاق ، البطالة والفقر قد سادت في كل العالم وكل الجهود للتغلب عليها قد لقيت بالفشل.

فما هي الأسباب لذلك؟ وكيف يمكن للمسلمين وغير المسلمين الخروج من هذه الأزمة المالية والبطالة التي قادت إلى سقوط الحكومات وإطاحة النظام في معظم البلدان.

فعندما ننظر إلى القرآن الكريم ، فنجد أن الله تبارك وتعلي ينصح المسلمين أن يؤدا واجباتهم كما لها حق ، فإن الله تبارك وتعالي يقول في كتابه العظيم، " كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر".

هذه الآية تشير إلى إخماد كل الأزمة والمعاناة والعنف والبطالة لأن الله تبارك وتعالي حدد أعمال المسلمين في كل العالم وفي كل بلاد سواءً هم يعيشون في بلاد غير مسلمة أو بلاد مسلمة ، فالأمر بالعروف والنهي عن المنكر هذا عمل حقيقي ووظيفة شرعية للمسلمين أن يسيروا على هذه الطريقة الواضحة كمرآة.

هذه المسئولية التي حملها الله تبارك وتعالي على المسلمين لنشرها في كل العالم ، فهل المسملون يؤدون واجباتهم؟

بالأسف الشديد أن المسلمين يلقون أنفسهم في أمور تسبب العنف والإرهاب وقتل الأبرياء بدلاً عن نشر تعليمات الإسلام ومنع من الشر والفساد، فنحن نرى أن معظم المسلمين يضيعون أوقاتهم وطاقاتهم في أمور تتركهم بلا فائدة في الدنيا والآخرة.

إن الله تبارك وتعالي وضح مستقبل المسلمين وأعمالهم ووظائفهم ، رغم ذلك معظم المسلمين يجدون أنفسم في القضايا التي عجزت العالم عن حلها.

عندما ذكر الله تبارك وتعالي كل شئي في كتابه العظيم وعندما نحن نصادق عليه كمسلم، فلماذا عدد كثير من المسلمين يتوجهون إلى أعمال إرهابية وغير شرعية.

على كل مسلم أن يتوجه إلى مسئولياته ووظائفه الشرعية ويحاول نشر الدين الإسلامي وإبلاغ أحكام الله تبارك وتعالي إلى المسلمين وغير المسلمين كما جاء في القرآن الكريم ، لأن هذا هو الفرق بين الإسلام وغير المسلمين والأديان الأخرى أن الإسلام يأمر أتباعه العمل على الشريعة سواءً الوضع أصعب جداً تجنباً من الشر والفساد والقتل وإلقاء أنفسهم في التهلكة ، ومن ناحية أخرى، أتباع الأديان الأخرى يستحصلون الناس والفقراء ويظلمون عليهم وينشرون الطغيان في كل العالم لمصالحهم وتحت رأية دينهم.

فقد حان الوقت أن يستيقظ المسلمون من النوم الدائم ويقيموا لنشر دين الإسلام ومنع المسلمين من الزنا والشر والطغيان لأن الله تبارك وتعالي حمل مسئولية العالم وقيادته على المسلمين ، و هذه الآية القرآنية "كنتم خير آمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر" تشجعهم وتذكرهم على تجاه فرائضهم الحقيقية.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Revolution in Tunisia a lessen for the rest of the countries


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

The public revolution in Tunisia shocked the world and most countries, particularly in Arab world, fear same fate that had happened in Tunisia a few days ago.

Indeed, it could repeat itself in every country if the leaders would not be ready to address the problems of common man.

Behind this revolution, there were various reasons leaded to this stage in which President flees from the country and gets asylum in Saudi Arabia.

Corruption, price rise on food items, unemployment, lack of confidence in young generation, so many restrictions to do that and not to do that, government's mulling over worsening economic situation in the country and taking no the measures providing work, jobs and a good atmosphere for the generation that has dreams to do something new for the sake of the country are the real reasons of these changes in Tunisia.

Actually, false promises and government's claim that the action is being taken in this regard, tired the people lessening same words for every question.

The people had been wishing the results that change the reality on ground level. They had lost their patience and were looking a speedy solution of it.

Despite of government's action, the situation remained unchanged. Violence and government's false promises forced the people to take action themselves for their problems, the government tries to neglect it, so what happened in Tunisia is the first and last option taken by the people when it had established that the government is not taking their demands seriously and there is no solution of these problems except to go against the system and change it.

See what is happening in India. Sometime Mr. Pawar says the price rise on onions will come down in two or three weeks. Sometime, he says his ministry is not responsible for the price rise. Rahul Gandhi says that coalition government is the reason of price rise. Prime Minister calls a meeting to discuss on this issue which ends inconclusively.

This is the situation of the representatives of the people, who are receiving all facilities, funds and allowances by the government for serving the nation, in real they are not serving the people. Their works serve only corporate sectors because every minister in the government has fear for corporate sectors are bearing losses for this and that one.

Is Mr. Sharad Pawar or other leaders can refuse to take all facilities, salary, government's residence because they have failed in delivering their job and the people are not satisfied with their works.

If Sharad Pawar, Prime Minister, Rahul Gandhi or other leaders, whether they are in central or state government are not responsible for the work to which they are getting salary, protocols and security so why they are in the government? Why they not presented their resignation from their jobs?

There are some ministers and leaders whose action and illegal work pushed the country into losses which are not in lacks but it is in crores, in spite of, they are still unpunished. One the other hand, a poor girl faces humiliation, tortures and languishes in jail because she had spoken out against injustice.

The common man has tired form this kind of politics. There is a class which gives training to its workers and activists and when their workers found involved in terrorism then they claim that terrorism and its ideologies are contrary.

Intelligence agencies arrest innocents and even filed the chargesheets in the court too. After sometimes, revelations of Hindutva cadres establish their innocents, in spite of, they are in jail and the officers who misused their positions and jobs find a room to work freely. Neither the action has been taken against them nor the measures have been came into effect to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Electronic and Print Media proclaims of success and growing of Indian economy. It claims, India has become a powerful country and it is shining on International level, but why it is not shining on national level? Why we see sleeping Indians on footpath in this very cold night and even without blankets. Why the electricity yet not reached to every village? Why still hundreds and thousands of people lives and sleeps without food and without very basic needs? Why the crime rates even in the Capital are on high?

It is true; India is a largest democratic country. It is true; it has a largest railway network. It is true; India is a unique in various achievements; however, will it leave its effects on common people. If the people live and sleep hungry so what is the benefit of country's economic growth and this growth for whom. We made nuclear arsenals for our security and to prevent any attack on us, however, there is no need for the enemies of India to kill Indians, as there are people who are dying themselves. No need others to kill them. No need to wait the attack from other countries. The people themselves are not in the condition to fight and to protect the country because they do not have much food to eat and remove their hunger so how it could be expected from them to fight for the country.

The young generation is turning towards crime as it finds no ways to earn the money. Government's promises shine only in Print and in electronic media. The reality on the ground is as it was 10 years ago.

Now, question arises who is responsible for this one. Or we say too same as Mr. Pawar says that we are not responsible for these tragedies.

So, is there anyone who is running the government? Or it is running itself? It is upon the government of every country to address the problems of common man and solve it by action not by just only sweet words.

Indeed. The common people in every country, whether it is India, Pakistan or any other country have tired from unfair policies and they wish to see the changes in the system.

Revolution in Tunisia is a role module for every country and it could be repeated if the government does not show any interest in bringing their problems to an end.

There is news of starting agitation in some countries against price rise. Let us wait when the history repeats itself and when the revolution like Tunisia takes place in every country which is unfair with its own people.


Monday, January 17, 2011

الثورة في تونس

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

الثورة الشعبية التونسية التي هزت العالم بعد مظاهرات وإحتجاجات عنيفة على إرتفاع الأسعار في المواد الغذائية و إزدياد البطالة وعدم حركة الحكومة لتقديم حل نهائي لهذه المشاكل التي كان يواجها الشعب التونسي ، في الحقيقة هي ثورة تاريخية قد إطاحت النظام الذي لا فائدة فيه لعامة الناس.

هذه ليست فقط إشارة واضحة لتغيير النظام ، بل هناك رسالة واضحة لكل بلاد حيثما عامة الناس والشعب يواجه الفقر والبطالة والغلاء. لأن هذه مسئولية الحكومة أن تنظر إلى شعبها وتدرس مشاكلها لتقديم خطوة جديدة لحل قضاياه.

لكننا نشاهد أن معظم الحكومة تتاجاهل من قضايا الشعب وتمارس مهامها رغم إنتشار الفساد والخيانة في أموال الشعب، وفي النهاية الشعب يقوم ويستأصل النظام الذي لا فيه خير سواء الشر، وهذه هي الأسباب الرئيسية التي تلعب دورها في مثل هذه الثورة التي شهدها العالم قبل أيام في تونس.

فهذا ما وقع في تونس هو كان أمر واقعي ويمكن أن هذه الثورة قد تقع في أي بلاد إذاً هي لم تتوجه إلى حل قضايا الشعب.

فهذه الثورة الشعبية تورة تاريخية وإنذار لكل حكومة وبلاد لا ترغب حل قضايا شعوبها. فعلي الحكومات المختلفة في العالم أن تتوجه إلى تدريس صعوبة شعوبها وتتخذ الإجراءات لحلها لأن قيام الشعب كافي لإطاحة اي نظام سواء هو صغير أم كبير.