Friday, July 23, 2010


بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

الوقت لن يتوقف لأحد ، سواء هو شخص عام أو ملك، لكن النجاح مربوط بالوقت، فالشخص الذي استفاد من الوقت الموفر له بالأمانة والصدق والجهد ، فله نجاح في الدنيا والآخرة، ومن الذين ضيعوا الوقت الثمين الموفر له في شرب الخمر والرقص وفي ملاعب الدنيا ، فلا ضمان لهم للنجاح في الدنيا و كذلك في الآخرة.

هذا هو الفرق بين الغرب والعرب. الحكومات الغربية استغلت الوقت والفرصة الثمينة حتى هي افتتحت أبواب الجامعات والمدارس والعلوم والتكنولوجيا أمام شعوبها. و أوفرت لها فرصة لاستفادة من هذه المواقع، وحاولت استعادة جميع العلوم الذي كانت موجودة في مختلف أنحاء العالم إلى بلادها، وساعدت شعوبها بالمال والثروة لاستفادة من هذا العلوم لكي بلادها تزدهر وتصل إلى مكان عالّ فلا حاجة لها اليوم للنظر إلى البلدان الأخرى في مجالات العلم والتقنية.

هذا هو السبب أن تلك البلدان تتقدم نحو الازدهار رغم وقوع الفساد هناك لأنها لديها قوى ولديها فرص للشطب والتخلي عن هذا الفساد والدمار.

ومن ناحية ثانية ، ها هو العرب الذين غائبون عن خريطة العالم. إن الله تبارك وتعالي أعطى لهم النفط كثروة دائمة لكن الشعوب العربية تخاف من نيل العلم. يزيد معدل البطالة في الدول العربية وشبان العرب يضيعون أوقاتهم في الأمور لا فائدة منها.

بعض من شبان العرب يتوجهون إلى الدول الغربية لاستفادة من علمها الذي استفاد من أبائنا قبل عقود. هل هذا ليس للعبرة أن الله تبارك وتعالي أعطى لهم ثروة دائمة بصورة النفط الذي لا يمكن للعالم أن يتخلى عنه والشعوب العربية ليست قادرة على أن تستفيدوا منها بدون مساعدات أوروبية وغربية.

الوضع التعليمي في معظم بلدان العرب سيئ جداً، وهذا هو أهم السبب لزيادة معدل البطالة في الدول العربية.

الوقت حتى الآن بيدهم، ويجب عليهم أن يتمتعوا منه في أمور تفيد في المستقبل. لديهم مواقع و فرص ، ولديهم مال وقوة تساعدهم في المجالات المختلفة ، الضرورة فقط أن يستخدم الوقت بصورة جيدة ومناسبة لنشر العلم والدين. هل العرب مستعدون لقيام بهذا العمل؟ هل الشعوب العربية مستعدة للوصول إلى الأهداف التي ضمانة للتقدم والإزدهار؟ الجواب ليس مقصود هنا، بل العمل الحقيقي مطلوب فقط.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

Country’s current political and security systems are not in favour of Muslims

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Shielding the terrorists, killers and lovers of violence (if they are not Muslims) is very old phenomena in India.

History of post-Independent India reveals that all those riots, violence and communal terrorism in which Muslims fall as victim and lost everything of life, governments still investigating to get the reasons behind them and who had been involved in it.

Appointed the teams and the commissions by the governments after all violence in which Muslims, their residential and economic areas were came into the attack collectively, government itself does not know that what had happened to these investigation teams and their recommendations.

Sad to say that current political and security systems of India are not in favour of Muslims or minority communities. Such systems are sympathizers to rioters, terrorists and killers (if their names are not start from M)

Current systems, however, empower Hindutva cadres, Hindtva right-wing organisations and their activists to spread their violent ideologies. That reason in those bomb blasts were taking place across the country, their conspirators have been managed for long times to keep away themselves from the scene in which hundreds of Muslim youths arrested and are in jail for the terrorism accomplished by Hindutva elements.

The newspapers, especially, Times of India, and other Hindi print Media who used this media platform to instill terror in Hindu community and the efforts made by them to create more horror in Indian secular society against Muslims today they are not only managing to keep silent on Hindutva terror network but also trying to disappear the whole story related to Hindutva terrorism from their online and print newspapers.

It was the section of Media that had been publishing everyday a story on Islamic terrorism, Jihad and on Islam for increasing terror in India, now that, everything has been clear, the real face of terrorists came into light, such newspapers are silent on this kind of terrorism. Their editorial column, editorial page and horror story on front page all are have disappeared. They feel troubles in publishing a small single column story on Hindutva terror.

Security agencies are investigating the terror network of Hindutva outfits. Some arrests have been made in this regard. However, all investigations are in initial process. This time, it could not be said that these investigations what take a u-turn in coming days.

If we take a look on the history of violence, terrorism and massacres, in which Muslims targeted directly, and, in which Hindu right-wing organizations involved openly, it would be cleared that security agencies still are investigating to know that who are the culprits.

The three incidents are in below and still alive in the minds of Indian citizens, show that police and government did nothing in it before and after the incidents.

1 1993 Mumbai carnage Sri Krishna commission appointed to know the fact. Commission submitted its report to state government No action taken

2 1992 Babri Mosque razed in Ayodhya, UP Liberahan commission was appointed by the then Narsimha Rao government to know that who were involved in this demolition. Report submitted in Par liament. No action taken

3 2002 Gujarat Massacre Nanawati commission appointed to know the fact. Eight years have completed. Commission is still searching clues and proofs against Hindutva outfits. Results awaited

Political and security systems do not see them as an enemy of the country. Their every action against Muslims can be justified for political reasons. Their political interest is attached with such organizations. That reasons, such organization is working in full swung after killing of Mahatma Ghandhi.

State, central governments and police have aware about Hindutva activities. It is not possible that a series of bomb blasts are taking place across the country and security enforcers are not have clues to take any action against them.

In such incidents, security agencies are doing investigations. If we take a look on the incidents and terror attacks and terror activities in which Hindu outfits and their activists have a clear role, security agencies are only doing their formalities. They do only investigations until another incident takes place, people, Media and police itself forget the previous incident that when it was occurred.

While in those incidents in which only suspensions lead towards Muslim youth's involvement, security agencies not only come into action but also make arrests, make combing operations in Muslim areas, release false story to Media, leave these youths into jails for rotting, and in last, after ten or 15 years, it appears that all arrested Muslim youths were innocent.

Politically, Muslim’s situation is not much hopeful. Their percentages in Parliament are increasing low after every election. The position of selected Muslim candidates in Parliament is as they are not in the Parliament.

Political parties have their on interests. They cannot solve most of the problems of Muslims due to votes, as well as, political interests force them not leave Muslims alone, hence they have just a plenty of promises for them.

There are some political scenes in which nothing for Muslims to do.

How long Muslim community can survive just only relying on promises, assurance and sweet words.

This is a simple story of the situation facing by Indian citizens, particularly Muslims in India.

These investigations, sting operations and exposing of Hindutva outfit's works along with their networks will not shake the society, police, Media and government, because every one of them is aware very well.

This situation will continue to move until such political system remains exit.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Burqa, society and Muslim women

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi
Last Part

Various countries across the glob are dictating their Muslim citizens to follow them in their religious life, as they want. Some countries made amendments in their constitutions to force Muslims on what they do and what they do not.

Student of history knows it very well that Muslims do not interfere in anybody's life. The Fatwa or decree is being issued by Ulema is only for Muslims. It belongs not to other communities. Despite it, Muslims are under pressure from various sections and from various governments across the glob to follow the rules have been passed by them.

Why some elements and governments express their more interest to know that how Muslims pray, what Muslims eat, which kind of dresses are being wore by Muslim women, which kinds of foods Muslims intend to take it and such as other issues are related to only Muslims.

Burqa, or Hijab, or veil, or Niqab all are different words but their meaning is same. Burqa is an Islamic tradition. Islam intends from every Muslim woman to use Burqa or veil.

Any country, organisation and any government cannot force Muslims or Muslim women on what they do and what they do not in their daily life.

Such move is strongly condemnable and a bid to keep Muslims away from their Islamic rights. It is an effort to rob the rights from Muslims given to them by Islam.

If such moves continue to work, then it would be a religious catastrophe where Muslims deprived to take advantages from their rights secured it by Islam.

It needs urgent attention that those who do not want to see Muslim women in Hijab or Naqab, change their way of thinking. Keep aside their hostility against Islam and Muslims. They have to understand that Muslim women have full rights to move on the path stated by Islam.


Burqa, society and Muslim women

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi


The study of above Qura'anic verses makes it clear that Islam does not like to see Muslim women are moving freely in the society while they are not wearing Burqa or Naqab.

After that, it was a crucial issue among Ulemas that which kind of dress Muslim women can use it to cover their body, as well as, which parts of their body should be covered and should not be.

There are so many differences among Ulemas, however, most of Muslim women have been using for long times black color clothes to cover their body in most of the part of Muslim world. Hence, black color dress has become the symbol of Muslim women to use it as Naqab or Hijab.

After that, there were issues that which part of women body is awrah (to be covered). So many differences here, someone say that complete body of women to be covered. Someone say hands and face is not the part of the awrah that it is necessary to be covered and someone have different ideas.

Despite these differences, most important thing to know is what is the original message of Qura'an in the context of Naqab, or Hijab or veil?

It appears from the sturdy of Qura'an that Muslim women should cover each part of their body which instigate and attract others.

For that, it can be seen across Muslim world that some Muslim women use full-face veil, someone use veil without covering their face and hands.

After all using Burqa or Naqab is not a critical issue in Islam and among Muslims.

It has been made a trouble thing by a section of society who don't have interest in protecting the rights of Muslim women given to them by Islam.

France's President says that full-face veil is damaging his country's democratic values. Millionaire Question, are France's democratic values so much weaker as they can be demolished by only two thousand veiled women. If as it is, its mean that France's president and the citizens of France who voted in favor of ban on veil, understand that their country’s democratic values are no stronger.

To be continued……….


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burqa, society and Muslim women

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi


These Qura’anic verses indicate clearly on what Islam wants from Muslim women. There is various Ahadeiths insist that Muslim women to use veil when they intend to come out from their homes.

The aims that appear from these Qura’anic verses are providing only protection to Muslim women and preventing them from bad elements of the society.

The study of 31 Chapter of Surah Al-Noor makes it clear that there are four things Qura’an likes it to be placed in Muslim women’s daily life.

First, lower their gaze, second they protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts), third, to draw their veils all over Juvubihinna (bodies, faces, necks and bosoms,) and fourth not to reveal their adornment except to their husband etc.

These are the aims of veils that Qura’an insists that it followed by Muslim women. Telling the reasons of using the veil, Qura’an says “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i. e screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Al-Ahzab chapter 59)

In this chapter, Qura’an mentions the reasons of using the veil, and that why it is mandatory for Muslim women.

These Qura’anic verses related to women’s integrity and their chastity. Islam likes that a women to be careful about them. Islam tells them that how they can protect themselves. Islam sees all Muslim women as human being and expresses their concerns on their security and their rights. Islam does not term them a call girl, slaves, model or a sold item, as they have been handled in western society for long times.

In these chapters, Qura’an mentioned the rights of women, asks Muslims to protect them and stresses that how they can be protected from sexual harassment, eye-teasing, rape etc.

To be continued…..


فـــــــــــــأين العــــــــــــــــــــــــرب؟

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

دراسة التاريخ توضح أن صفحات المجلات والجرائد اليومية والأسبوعية مليئة بالحادثات والواقعات التي تتعلق بالقضية الفلسطينية، والظلم والجور والقتل والدمار والهجمات الأمريكية والحروب وغير ذلك من القضايا الأخرى التي يواجهها الشرق الأوسط منذ عقود.

لكن هذه الصفحات للجرائد والمجلات خالية من تاريخنا. لا توجد صفحة واحدة هناك أن كيف المسلمون والعرب يعيشون هناك، ما هي إنجازات العرب ؟ وما هي أهدافهم؟

فأين عامة الناس في العرب، ماذا هم يفكرون؟ وماذا يريدون؟ وما هي تجاربهم اليومية؟ كيف هم ينظرون أحوال العالم و ما هي التحقيقات التي قد تمت في البلدان العربية؟ وكم الصواريخ التي أجريت عليها التجربة.

تفيدنا الأخبار العربية والدولية أن إسرائيل أجرت تجربة الصواريخ. إسرائيل قامت الجدار العازل. القوات الإسرائيلية تجري مناورات تجريبية مع القوات الأخرى.

وكذلك كل دولة تتقدم وتتخذ الإجراءات الصارمة في الاقتصاد والتعليم وقيام الجامعات لكن ساحة العرب ساكتة وصامتة من هذه التحركات، لا يوجد هناك أي تحرك حقيقي . الناس ينومون ويتغدون ويتعشون ويتجولون في الأسواق ويرجعون إلى بيوتهم في الحالة أنهم يظنون أنهم فتحوا حربا طويلة.

لا يريدون العمل الشاق ولا يحبون أن يستخدموا عقولهم وأفكارهم، هم يرون أن الأكل والشرب والنوم هي الحياة فقط وهم خلقوا ليستفيدوا من هذه الحياة الدنيا. لا يوجد هناك أي فكرة جيدة و هم خال من الابتكار.

عامة الناس في العرب مشغولون ومنهمكون في أمورهم والحكومات العربية والمسلمة مشغولة في أمورها, ليس لديهم فرصة أن يتوقفوا لحظة ويتفكروا أن لماذا خلف العرب؟ لماذا الشعوب الأخرى تحكم عليهم؟ لماذا الدول الأخرى تهاجم عليهم ؟ لماذا الشارع العربي خال وفارغ من أي نوع من الابتكار، و متى العرب يدركون قيمتهم؟

وضع حقوق الإنسان هو أسوأ في البلدان العربية مقابلة من الدول الأوروبية والغربية. حرية التعبير وحرية الرأي جرم عظيم في الساحة العربية.

قد حان الوقت أن الكتاب والمحققين الذين يكتبون صفحات الجرائد بأفكارهم المتنوعة يوجهوا أقلامهم إلى العرب وينظروا إليهم أنهم ماذا يفعلون وكيف يعيشون؟ قد حان الوقت أن لا نلوم الآخرين بل ننظر إلى أنفسنا أننا ماذا نفعل الآن.



Burqa, society and Muslim women


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Controversies over Parda, or Burqa, or Niqab, or veil are going on across the glob. On Thursday 13, July, 2010, France's Parliament approved a law to ban on full face veil. A similar law was passed in Belgium in April 2010.

A British MP, Mr. Philip Hollobone, said that he would not meet Muslim veiled women. Such as, various schools in India are not allowing veiled students. Many times, school's administration force Muslim veiled students to take off their veils or go back to home.

Actually, Burqa is not so larger issue as it is receiving much attention from every corner of society.

First, we take a look on Holy Book Qura'an and let us see what He says about Burqa or Naqab.

1. Qura’an says “ And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from Illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc, and to draw their veils all juyubihinna (i.e their bodies, faces necks and bosoms)and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their huband’s sons, or their brothers or their brother’s sons, or their Muslim women (i. e their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands pssess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex and let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful . (Surah Al-Noor -31)

2. And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wed-lock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Surah Al-Noor -60)

(To be continued)
