Monday, July 19, 2010

Burqa, society and Muslim women

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi
Last Part

Various countries across the glob are dictating their Muslim citizens to follow them in their religious life, as they want. Some countries made amendments in their constitutions to force Muslims on what they do and what they do not.

Student of history knows it very well that Muslims do not interfere in anybody's life. The Fatwa or decree is being issued by Ulema is only for Muslims. It belongs not to other communities. Despite it, Muslims are under pressure from various sections and from various governments across the glob to follow the rules have been passed by them.

Why some elements and governments express their more interest to know that how Muslims pray, what Muslims eat, which kind of dresses are being wore by Muslim women, which kinds of foods Muslims intend to take it and such as other issues are related to only Muslims.

Burqa, or Hijab, or veil, or Niqab all are different words but their meaning is same. Burqa is an Islamic tradition. Islam intends from every Muslim woman to use Burqa or veil.

Any country, organisation and any government cannot force Muslims or Muslim women on what they do and what they do not in their daily life.

Such move is strongly condemnable and a bid to keep Muslims away from their Islamic rights. It is an effort to rob the rights from Muslims given to them by Islam.

If such moves continue to work, then it would be a religious catastrophe where Muslims deprived to take advantages from their rights secured it by Islam.

It needs urgent attention that those who do not want to see Muslim women in Hijab or Naqab, change their way of thinking. Keep aside their hostility against Islam and Muslims. They have to understand that Muslim women have full rights to move on the path stated by Islam.


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