Saturday, August 13, 2011

Syria and Muslim Ummah


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Syria is burning, not by outsiders. It is burning because of insiders. It is burning because current government understands that it selected by Allah forever to rule on Syria, and the people of this country have no right to ask it to go. 
This time Syrian people are falling as dead on road, in prisons and at detention centers not by US. US tanks are not killing people there. US helicopters are not shelling on them. US forces are not involved in killing of Syrian people. Their own forces are firing on them. Their own government is using military to crush the will of change. Shedding of blood continues there because people are demanding rights of freedom, rights of thinking and rights of converting the country into a superpower.
Entire Muslim world is now silent. There are no articles on terror. There are no articles on victims getting killed. There are no articles on terrorism continuing in Syria. There are no references of Qura'anic verses in which how Islam asks Muslims to stop blood shedding. This time, there are no references or Qura'anic verses how Islam condemn killing of civilians. You know why, because US is not involved.
In India, where I have seen thousands of articles, statements, references of Qura'anic verses, demonstrations and burning of flags when US led NATO forces had started a military campaign against tyrant leader in Libya to protect civilians and holding massacres from happening in Benghazi and in other cities of Libya.    
Muslim organizations, scholars and other activists were calling another attack of US on a Muslim country. But, this time, when their own people are making massacres and turning cities and streets into bloodshed, they are silent. No agitation, no demonstration, no references of Qura'anic verses, why is it so? Does the message of Qura'an is different when US kills Muslims and when Muslims kill Muslims. Qura'an reveled to entire humanity. Its message of peace is to everyone, whether it is from any sect, any religion, or from any community. So, how long Muslim countries, Muslim scholars, and so-called Muslim educated class will remain silent?
It is time for Muslims in entire glob to wake up and raise the voice against tyrant system. Because the government which uses weapons, kills its own people, and uses tanks, helicopters and other heavy weapons cannot bring reformation, as Syrian government is propagating again and again.
The time has come that Muslims in entire glob leg their differences behind and stand to protect the lives of civilians who are falling as dead every day in different parts of the country.


على الحكومة السورية أن تتخذ الخطوات الإيجابية

على الحكومة السورية أن تتخذ الخطوات الإيجابية
بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي
 العمليات العسكرية وإراقة دماء الأبرياء بأيدى القوات السورية تشير إلى عدم جدية البلاد في الإصلاحات السياسية.
جميع الدول العربية والمسلمة تريد أن الحكومة السورية تتجه إلى خطوات تساعدها للخروج من الأزمة الراهنة.
لكن الأوضاع السياسية تتدهور يوماً بعد يوم، وهي ستدفع البلاد إلى الفوضى وستؤدي إلى كارثة إنسانية. العمليات العسكرية المستمرة لن تثمر أي نتائج إيجابية بل إنها تعم الفوضى والقتل والفساد في جميع أنحاء البلاد وهذا الأمر سيكون سبباً لإساءة البلاد في العالم.
الرئيس بشار الأسد سيواجه مزيداً من الضغط من الجهات المختلفة، لأن ها هوالعنف الذي أجبر المملكة العربية السعودية لإتخاذ موقفها التاريخي تجاه سوريا وإستعادة سفراءها لدى سوريا للتشاور.
إذا هذا الوضع يستمر والرئيس بشار الأسد يصر على إراقة الدماء فهذا يكون فوضى لهذه البلاد العظيمة وسيصعب جداً له في الأيام القادمة البقاء في السلطة ، لأن النظام والعنف وقتل الشعب لا يسير معاً .  

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anti-Muslim lobbyists in India


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Anti-Muslim lobbyists wrote and publish thousands of articles in favor of Moulana Vastanvi.

Some leading English newspapers wrote editorials on this issue. They criticized Darul Uloom Deoband and made attempts to interfere in the issue which was not related to national politics.

These lobbyists that have soft corner for saffron terrorists and terrorism made efforts to make country feel that how Ulema and Muslim religious body is anti development of Muslim community, and how this body removed a modern and an educated person who had wanted to bring development and modernity to Muslims.

These lobbyists that have a great impact on country's political and economic affairs make mountains out of mole-hills and cry over this nonsense and unnecessary issue, while they prefer to keep their mouth shut over injustice done to Muslims by so-called educated and narrow-minded class of this country.

They feel shy and find themselves in vacillation in highlighting the issues of Muslim youths are languishing in jails for a fair trail in a democratic country where arrested Muslim youths are being treated undemocratically.

They open big mouth to condemn Ulema, Islamic law and Sharia, while they pretend as they are deaf and dump when the issue of injustice to be brought before them.

When Ulema say something and do something they feel their birth-right to oppose them and call them anti-Muslims and anti development while they support openly and deliberately anti-Muslim's development move.

They are not sympathizers of Muslims indeed they are the slaves of interests. They are the champion of spreading hatred and hiding the truth. They hate terrorism and want stern punishment to terrorists but when saffron terrorists get bail they do not express their anger and dissatisfaction. They talk about justice, equality and rights but when Muslim leaders bring the issues of innocent Muslim youths who are languishing in jails for terror charges; they turn their faces or try to delude with fairs words.

About Muslim issues, they just talk with no substance, if they have been asked to say something about Ulema and Madarsas they feel no hesitation in writing thousands of pages, while they feel hemming and hawing to say something about discrimination and injustice is being done with Muslims in the country to which Muslims made all sacrifices without hope of reward or post.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Anti-Muslim lobbyists in India


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Anti-Muslim lobbyists wrote and publish thousands of articles in favor of Moulana Vastanvi.

Some leading English newspapers wrote editorials on this issue. They criticized Darul Uloom Deoband and made attempts to interfere in the issue which was not related to national politics.

These lobbyists that have soft corner for saffron terrorists and terrorism made efforts to make country feel that how Ulema and Muslim religious body is anti development of Muslim community, and how this body removed a modern and an educated person who had wanted to bring development and modernity to Muslims.

These lobbyists that have a great impact on country's political and economic affairs make mountains out of mole-hills and cry over this nonsense and unnecessary issue, while they prefer to keep their mouth shut over injustice done to Muslims by so-called educated and narrow-minded class of this country.

They feel shy and find themselves in vacillation in highlighting the issues of Muslim youths are languishing in jails for a fair trail in a democratic country where arrested Muslim youths are being treated undemocratically.

They open big mouth to condemn Ulema, Islamic law and Sharia, while they pretend as they are deaf and dump when the issue of injustice to be brought before them.

When Ulema say something and do something they feel their birth-right to oppose them and call them anti-Muslims and anti development while they support openly and deliberately anti-Muslim's development move.

They are not sympathizers of Muslims indeed they are the slaves of interests. They are the champion of spreading hatred and hiding the truth. They hate terrorism and want stern punishment to terrorists but when saffron terrorists get bail they do not express their anger and dissatisfaction. They talk about justice, equality and rights but when Muslim leaders bring the issues of innocent Muslim youths who are languishing in jails for terror charges; they turn their faces or try to delude with fairs words.

About Muslim issues, they just talk with no substance, if they have been asked to say something about Ulema and Madarsas they feel no hesitation in writing thousands of pages, while they feel hemming and hawing to say something about discrimination and injustice is being done with Muslims in the country to which Muslims made all sacrifices without hope of reward or post.
