Tuesday, March 15, 2011

الإستراتيجية الجديدة والعالم العربي

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

التغيرات الحالية التي يشهدها معظم البلدان العربية من الشهور الماضية تضطر الدول العربية كلها إلى إتخاذ إستراتيجية جديدة تعزز مكانتها في العالم ، لأن الأوضاع الراهنة إذا تستمر إلى مدة طويلة فإنها ستترك أثرها السلبية على الدول العربية كلها.

فنظراً إلى الأوضاع السياسية وكما الدول الأوربية والولايات المتحدة تحاول أن تتدخل في الشئون الداخلية للدول العربية قد حان الوقت للدول العربية أن تتبنى الإستراتيجية الجديدة وتعمل على تنفيذ الخطوة الحاسمة التي تعيد الإستقرار في بلادها و تثبت أن العالم العربي قادر على دفاع وطنه وأرضه ودينه.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Mr. L.K. Advani is a leader of ………


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Mr. L.K. Advani, once again, describes December 6th 1992 as a saddest day of his life, not because of Babri Masjid had pulled down on that day, but this day damaged the creditability of his party.

Mr. L.K. Advani is the leader who brought bad name to India. He is the leader who incited educated and illiterate Hindus against Muslims for just political reasons. He is the leader who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of death of Muslims and Hindus since his beginning the Rath Yatra to built temple on the same site where Babri Masjid was situated.

Mr. Advani is not apologetic over demolition of Babri Masjid. He is not apologetic over putting blot on Indian forehead. He is not apologetic over the death of thousands of Indian citizens because of his Rath Yatra and the seed of hatred he is sowing against Hindus and Muslims. He is not apologetic over Gujarat genocide of 2002. He is not apologetic over damaging India's oldest communal harmony culture. He is not apologetic over damaging of Indian economies following brutal attack on minority communities across India.

He is a selfish person. He just thinks about himself. He just thinks about his party. He just works for his party, but he forgets about India. He forgets that his hatred work is pushing Hindu youths into trouble. He forgets that his communal ideology is leaving negative impacts on Hindu community. He never thinks about empowering of India.

He thinks giving reservation to Muslims or allowing them to open their schools and institutions is not in the interest of the country, while he forgets India’s development lies in Muslims development.

He thinks strongest Muslim community is a threat to the ideologies whose leader he is; while he forgets a weak Muslim community is always been a blot on India.

He talks about nationalism and unity, but his work, ideologies, Rath Yatra and his support to anti-national ideology pushing Hindu youths into anti-national activities.

He would always been lived in the hearts of Indian people as a leader who has worked for the disunity of Indian community.

He would always been lived in the history of post-independence India as a leader whose every step and whose every speech increased more gulf in Indian society.

The people of India, regardless of their identities, fought with British forces for the Independence of India where every community would live freely; but their dream shattered when they saw from their own eyes that a leader from them is calling a particular community against another community and using hatred speech to get support from his own community.

Instead of expressing his pain, it is better for Mr. Advani to surrender himself before the court conceding his criminal act in Babri Masjid case and make an apology to the nation for his Rath Yatra that demolished Indian unity, and work for building the Babri Masjid on the same place where it was before 6th December 1992.

It will be a better and most important step to bring back the creditability of his own party if he leaves hatred and communal way, and works for India where every community, whether it is Hindu or Muslim live freely and help each others in building a strongest India that can present a best example of communal harmony in the world.

Will Mr. L.K. Advani do this? There is no possibility from him but we could hope from him a day he would concede his mistake as today he is accepting his work “badly dented the credibility of his party”.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

الهجوم على فريق الجزيرة عمل إجرامي

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

الهجوم على فريق الجزيرة أمس في بنغازي والذي قد أدى إلى مقتل مصور الجزيرة علي الجابر وإصابة أحد رفقائه عمل إجرامي. و المجتمع المتحضر لن يسكت على مثل هذا الهجوم.

وسائل الأعلام هي أهم جزء من أجزاء المجتمع التي تساعد وتساند الإنسان على إدارك الحقيقة على كل ماذا يحدث في المجتمع العربي العالمي .

بالأسف الشديد أن المسلمين في ديارهم وفي البلدان الأخرى قد لجأوا إلى السلاح والعنف، على الرغم أن العنف وحمل السلاح لن يدفع المسلمين في النجاح.

العمل الحقيقي للمسلمين في كل العالم هو فقط أن يبذلوا كل الجهود في أخذ العلم والتوجه إليه. إذا المسلمون يفكرون أنهم يكونون غالباً في العالم بالسلاح والعنف فهذا لن يغير الوضع الحقيقي في المجتمع.

فهذا العمل الإجرامي الذي قد تم تنفيذه من الأشخاص المجهولين في الحقيقة هذا لن يخدم الشعب والمسلمين.

يجب على المسلمين أن يتجنبوا من العنف والقتل وإنتشار الفساد في الأرض ويتوجهوا إلى العلم والطريق الذي يعزز قوتهم ويوحد صفوفهم.

وبالنسبة لهذا الهجوم فلاشك فيه انه عمل إجرامي ، نحن نقدم التعازى لعائلة مصور الجزيرة ولشبكة الجزيرة أن يرحم الله على الأخ على الجابر المرحوم ويسكنه فسيح جناته.


No fly zone on Libya


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

The decision of slapping no fly zone over Libya is a very positive step taken by Arab League yesterday. It will help in preventing the lives of civilians from more casualties.

It is true, Arab people, leaders and Arab government were not ready to take this decision in very hasty manner, but there was no way except of that; because Muammar Gaddafi is not ready to lessen the appeal of Arab leaders in not targeting the civilians.

Various appeals and requests to Muammar Gaddafi for preventing of using excessive force against civilians leave no effect there. Every day the casualties of civilians are growing and some parts of Libya are presenting the scene of destruction and chaos.

The people of Libya themselves, whether they are from opposition party or from the supporters of Muammar Gaddafi do not want to push their country into war or foreign troops land there. But looking the current situation, it seems that Libya is moving into a long war.

If Mr. Muammar Gaddafi and his family members love their country, it is better for them to bring this violence and bombardment to an end and save their country from more chaos and disturbance.

This is the responsibility of Arab League to use all diplomatic ways to convince Muammar Gaddafi for not pushing the country into war or destruction. Violence and war do not represent any solution except landing this great country into loss and tragedies.

This is high time that all people of Libya work for unification of the country and work for its development and putting it on high level in the world in every filed.

I hope that Muammar Gaddafi will accept the appeal of world leaders and will resign from his post soon respecting the feelings of his people and Arab world.
