Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mr. Khushwant Singh, don’t lecture us about Muslim women and Islam


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Lecturing Muslims, targeting Islamic Sharia, and making scoff at Muslims and their lifestyle has become a fashion of this era. Everyone wants to kill Muslims. Everyone wants to damage the image of Muslims and Islam.

There are hundreds of thousands of organizations, sites, educated personalities, volunteers, workers and activists whose work is only to put always Muslims and Islam on target.

They are being paid for this work, and sometimes they have been awarded in open ceremony by Weston and European countries.

Indeed, Islam and Muslims is under attack from all corners. Military operations led by United States are under way in most Muslim countries. Cultural and educational hatred campaign against Muslims and Islam is being carried out by so-called educated and contractors of democracy in non-Muslim world.

Someone is making cartoons on Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alaihe wasallam), someone is supporting bans on veil, and someone is burning the Qura'an and destroying Masjids. It seems, it is all-out war against Muslims, Islam and their messenger.

Mr. Khushwant Singh is also one of them. He is known as an educated and prominent writer but his thoughts and thinking is very ridiculous. His thoughts about Burqa and Muslims show that he is still away from the real sprite of knowledge.

Mr. Khushwant Singh in his article published in Hindustan Times on April 30, 2011, says lot of things about Burqa. He seeks a Fatwa from Darul Uloom (Deoband) for abolishing Hijab, such as, he wants a Fatwa from Azhar University to support French government's decision slapping ban on veil, and even he prays for returning of Kamal Ata Turk who had banned veil in Turkey. He says Turkey is the most advanced Muslim country because it had banned Burqa. According to him, lower middle class is only use Naqab or veil etc.

According to him, abolishing of Burqa is a sign of advancement and wearing of Burqa is a sign of ignorant.

Reading his article about Burqa, I had been thinking how a person who has written various books and has a place in all classes in the country can discuss such kind of ridiculous and ludicrous ideology.

Mr. Khushwant Singh; or anyone has no right to lecture Muslims, or interfere in Islamic Sharia. Who allowed him, or them to do so?

Is this his not double standard? He demands ban on Burqa, while the people of his community had been expressing its concerns when the Turban was banned in America after 9/11.

Traditions of other communities are respectable, but, traditions of Islam and Muslims are not acceptable; why? Nuns in Christians use special dress that covers her body from head to toe. Is this not an old tradition? Why no one raises the voice to ban on Christian veil?

It is very old tradition in Hindus where Hindu women cover her face with their sari. Are these things not ridiculous and anti-advancement?

All communities in the world can practice according to their tradition and religion; if Muslims do same thing, so it is called an un-civilized exercise. What nonsense is?

What Muslims or Muslim women do or not to do, it is not related to anyone. Who gave the right to such people to blame on Muslims and make scoff at Muslim women for wearing Burqa?

Why he, or others, like him, has objection over Islamic traditions? Why he wants Fawat from Deoband and Azhar University to abolish wearing veil?

They scream seeing Burqa clad women; while they keep their mouth shut when Muslim women demand justice and equality.

What he and others, like him, did for the justice of women who have been subjected of rape in Gujarat in 2002? Why he does not raise the voice for punishing to those who destroyed the dignity of women?

Such kind of people knows only blaming and targeting of Islam, because it brings fame, money and attention of world. This kind of thoughts confirms awards for him and for others, like him.

How he can compare wearing of Burqa with retrogression, while Sikh men too use Turban and spot beard as a religious tradition, so, is it mean; the Sikh men use Turban are uneducated?

How a veil can become a symbol of retrogression. The women in France, who are insisting on wearing veil and using it in their daily life, are most educated women and they are aware about all ups and downs of the society.

These women, who had been called educated and civilized before Islam; turned to a threat to country, as embracing of Islam; what nonsense is.

In India, wife of elder brother enough to all younger brothers in a family, Why Mr. Khushwant Singh and others, like him, do not raise against such inhuman practice?

There are hundreds and thousands of women in other religions where they have been subjected of rape, live like animals, and face every kind of harassments by their own husbands, brothers and family members; why he does not say about them, about their culture and traditions?

The situation of none-Muslim women is more dangerous than Burqa clad women. Rape of sister by father or brother called incest sex. Is it not true? Then, how Mr. Khushwant Singh, or others, like him, can lecture us?

In a culture where women as a prostitute is acceptable and where everyone figures them a tool of sex and does it too, how this culture can accept burqa clad women who cover their body and protect their dignity from the people who figure them just a sex machine.

When Ulema, Muslim scholars, and Muslim countries raise no objection over dress, traditions and prayer of non-Muslims, then why, and, how people from different religions advise and lecture Muslims on what they should do, or not to do?

It is better for Mr. Khushwant Singh not to write anything about Muslim women, as well as, keep himself away from interfering in Islamic Sharia. If he is very keen in writing about the conditions of women, so he is free in writing about the women, who belong to other communities, except Muslim. Or, if he wants to write something about Islam and Muslim women, so, first, he must study Islamic Sharia, rules and Islamic teachings before passing any comment about Muslim women or Islam.


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