Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi
Revolution in Tunisia surprised the world and everyone, especially; Arab leaders are in shock for this revolution ousted a 30 year old system in Tunisia.
Governments in Arab world rejected of happening same in its own countries, indeed they have fear of erupting the incident, like Tunisia, in anywhere.
Hence, some measures have been taken into effect by some Arab governments to ease the situation in its own countries.
Despite of little bit steps, the voices against price rise and unemployment raised in some Arab countries.
According to a report, one of those who have been set themselves on fire in Egypt has died. The conditions of others are still critical.
Kuwait has announced some relief packages to its citizens. Syria also raised salaries of its employees.
A conference of Arab leaders had been held in Sharam Al-Shaikh, Egypt, to discus on the developments put the middle east again in the news.
A media report claims that wife of ousted President of Tunisia, Zainuddin Bin Ali, run away with 1.5 ton gold.
Such as, the common man in India is facing much embarrassment due to price rise. Poverty rate is on high. Formers are ending their lives. Common people have no ways but to sleep with starvation or do the crime to get some money to arrange some foods for his family members.
On the other hand, corruption is on rise. Corrupted Ministers are out of jail, in spite of pushing the country into loss.
According to a new report, an IAS officer in MP has been found in corruption charges. Time of India gives some light on the assets of this IAS officer; “unaccounted wealth of Rs 360 crore. Cash and foreign currency found was too much to be counted manually — machines counted Rs 3 crore in cash and Rs 7 lakh in foreign currency. Gold worth Rs 67 lakh kept in a suitcase was also seized. This IAS officer has 25 flats and 400 acres of land”.
After all, corruptions and price rise forced the people to end their lives or stand to change the system.
Revolution in Tunisia is the first example of this movement. Let us wait and see what happens more in the world against corrupted and tyrannical systems and their leaders.
This is a snapshot of some cases, nevertheless; here are endless stories, cases and reports that never reached to people.
Let us look what Khulafa-e-Rashedeen did for their people and what was the standard of their governments. Hence despite of new revolutions in common lives and new experiments to make the life very easy, the world cannot present just only one example as Khulafa-e-Rashedeen and some Muslim leaders did for their own people.
There is one example from the life of Hazrat Umar (Razi-Allah-o-Anho) who prays to Allah to not punish the people for the sins made by him.
Once, drought spread in the time of Khilafat of Hazrat Umar. For thinking about the people; how they will be living and how they will be eating, Hazrat Umar, gives up eating fish, meat, or other sweets even he prays to Allah to not punish the people for his own sins and was very embarrassed for this famine and had always been thinking how he help the people and how keep their difficulties away from them. Even, the people started to pray to Allah; O Allah end this famine, we fear Umar would die worrying about the difficulties of Muslims
One day he was feeding poor people; he saw that one person is eating with his left hand, he went to him and asked to eat with the right hand; the person said that he has lost his right hand in the battle of Moota. Hazrat Umar sat down beside him and asked who helps you for ablution; who washes your cloths; after that; Hazrat Umar appointed one person for his help and arranged all essential needs to this person.
The life of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz was very unique. His life sets an example for all leaders, rulers and the people are dreaming to govern on the country.
One example is enough to give the light of how he governed.
One day; he went to home to meet their daughters; he noted that his daughters were putting hands on their mouths; he asked the reasons of it; he has been told that today there was nothing to eat for them in the house, so they ate onions and lentil. They are trying to put the hands on their mouth so that to prevent reaching its smell to you; When Hazart Umar Bin Abdul Azeez heard it, he started weeping and said to his daughters; O my daughters; are you happy to eat sweets and different kind of dishes and your father burns in the fire of hell. His daughters too started weeping when they heard this thing from his father, who was the Caliph of the country and it was very easy for him to arrange everything for his daughters; but he had fear from Allah and tried to pay his duty with honesty.
This is the life of a Muslim ruler, whose empire was stretched from the shore of Atlantic to the highlands of Pamir. (The Hundred Great Muslims)
Today; can we see this type of example in Muslim or none-Muslim world? Today; everyone is busy in making bank balance, whether the people live in poverty or die due to poverty. They have no concern about them.
The life of these two great Islamic rulers is an example for Muslim and none-Muslim world; Will Muslims leaders, instead to curb agitations and order to fire on mobs, reconsider on their own lives; it may help them in removing poverty and unemployment from their own countries.