Monday, September 20, 2010

Islam and Muslim world


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

The number of cases of hatred and discrimination against Muslims and Islam has increased in past few years in European and Western countries.

The hatred against Muslims can be bear in any society. It can be reduced by presenting the adjectives of Islam and by teachings of Qura’an.

In multi-cultural society, such kind of incidents can make a way. This is not a serious matter. Government’s honest efforts and stern action of police can help to reduce such feelings.

There is another subject. The issue is to target directly Islam and Islamic laws. This issue is very serious and beyond from pity incidents periodically happen with Muslims in none-Muslim society.

Targeting Islamic law, or forcing Muslims to what they can wear and what not, making cartoons of our Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and bids to desecrate the copies of Qura’an all are very serious, ugly and strenuous actions.

It was a very positive effort by Obama to put pressure on Rev. Terry Jones to stop him from his destructive work and to defend Islam within the law.

This initiative steps taken by Obama and his administration following the announcement of burning Qura’an by Rev. Terry Jones in Florida provided an open air for Muslims and others to come close, discus on conflict issues and try to solve every problem and difference through dialogue, positive approach and good behavior during the discussion of the conflict.

This kind of approach led to cancellation of desecration of Qura’an that was announced earlier by Terry Jones in Florida.

In other developments, France also approved a ban on veil. France’s parliament passed a bill to execute it on all Muslim women who will be found violating this act.

Most Muslim organizations condemned this step and said that it is an open interference in Islamic matter.

How we can forget the issue of cartoon of our Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) made by a Danish cartoonist who received recently an award by Angela Merkel, the German chancellor.

In these all steps in which Qura’an, Prophet, and Islamic laws were came into target by various people and organizations in different countries, Muslim countries role seen nothing.

Most countries in Muslim world did not react on such actions. They did not say a single word over such kind of discrimination against Islam and its Holy Book Qura’an.

Why these Muslim countries keep mute silent on such issues. Whey they did not register their objections on such matters?

We see other reasons of not responding Muslim countries over this issue.

We find that Muslims face more restrictions and conditions on Islamic values in their own countries while they experience more freedom, independence, and autonomy in building of religious places and applying Islamic values in none- Muslim countries.

Human Rights situation is more worsen in Muslim countries. Muslim women condition and increasing the number of divorced women is not less than from any other none-Muslim countries.

Most Muslim countries are wasting their power and wealth on how to prevent Islamic influence from Muslim’s lives. One the other hand, they are unable to address country’s security, worsening of country’s economic situation, increasing the amounts of illiteracy and how to be secure the rights of eligible people and how to be established the educational institutions.

The failure of Muslim countries in applying Islamic teachings there and their none-response to empower their citizens with education, confidence and jobs increased insecurity and disparity among them.

Today, what we are experiencing a chain of violence in Muslim countries and advanced weapons in the hands of Muslim boys, who are threatening Muslim and none-Muslim countries is a result of these countries failure in addressing their problems, restrictions on Islamic laws and applying western culture in their countries.

Slapping various kinds of conditions and ban in Muslim countries block Muslim youths and citizens to explore their God gifted power and to show their ability in changing the country’s educational and economic conditions.

In today’s scenario, when the world has become a small village, Muslim youths and boys unable to express their views and to participate in the programs assist them in building the country due to restrictions imposed in various Muslim countries because their rulers comprehend that empowering citizens will snatch the power from their hands and they do not want to happen such thing in future.

The experience of Israel in these 60 years where it achieved everything, made stronger its border and saved itself and its country by advanced and modern weapons, on the other hand, Muslim countries still are backward in every filed. There is no change in their situation what it was before 60 years and what is after 60 years.

The reason of joining of Muslim youths, most of them from Arab world, to terrorist outfits or instituting terrorist organizations is not that they have lessen from Islam or they are hardliner or fundamentalists from the beginning.

The true reason of it is that these youths are unable to find a free and an independence society to show their talent, prove their skills in construction of society and participate in the ways to give new faces to the country.

When the most of countries in none-Muslim world have experienced various presidents, Prime Ministers and these new faces brought various changes in their countries in different fields, we see that most Muslim countries are experiencing same faces since sixty years, there is no changes in government’s system, in educational field, and in other fields due to ban, restrictions and emergency imposed by the rulers.

These unlimited periods, bans and emergency frustrated some of them. They began to understand that there is no option but only to fight and to be used violent actions to destroy or to force the government to change their policies.

American war on terror gave new name. Muslim countries used this name to arrest them. This situation is going on. When current Muslim rulers will lessen their country’s needs, when they will response, when they will free their nation and when they will lift the ban and emergency from their countries no one knows.

Most countries in Muslim world shown their more interest on reducing Islamic influence from the society but they have failed to take stern steps in health, education and economic conditions of the country.

Time will remain same till long times. It is any opportunity for them to open their minds, society and their rigid world. They have to express their response on all developments are happening around the world. As well as, as a Muslim this is their responsibility to take first step in reducing the hatred against Muslims. Spread and defend Islam in a way as stated in the Qura’an.

Allah says in His Holy Book: Invite (Mankind, O Muhammad) to the way of your Allah with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better, (Surah Al Nahal 125)


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Muslims are the losers in both situations in Babri Masjid case


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Everyone’s eyes are on High court’s verdict which will be pronounced on 24th September 2010.

What Court says in this case; we have to wait few days more. However, country’s fate is based on this verdict.

This case may a longest case in Indian judiciary. It is not only Mandir Masjid case; it will decide the fate of India.

Muslims have much paid in this case due to relying on political parties over solving this issue respecting the Indian constitutions.

The result is before us. Everything has been ripped off from Muslims. Every institution and everyone has been sold out in the hand of communal forces. There was no hope for justice; at that time it was the judiciary which revived the ray of hope of Muslims.

It was not an easy decision for Muslims but they have the nothing except to rely on the judiciary which did not bow down their head in shame.

Muslims have much paid due to deep faith on Indian constitution. Since independence, Muslim’s faith on judiciary and on Indian constitution left them as helpless in various fields.

But the Judiciary is sole institution in India; Muslim’s have not lost their faith on it. This faith is not based on myth.

Indian Judiciary has proved it many times. When Muslim youths and educated class of Muslim community were on target by security agencies and when they were being called terrorists and when suspicious eyes were pursuing them in every corner of India, it was the Indian judiciary which established by its honest and fair judgments that most Muslim youths and Muslim community, as a whole, were implicated in false and wrong cases.

Indian judiciary’s verdicts in most cases gave a new life to Indian Muslims and empowered them to face the challenges whether they are much serious.

Once again, the time has come which will decide that Indian judiciary how much is honest in its jobs.

This verdict will decide the place of Muslims in Indian democratic society and Hindutva force’s attitude too.

If we take a look on this issue as Masjid and Mandir, the Muslim’s stand is strongest. But when we try to see this issue in Indian political phenomenon we find it that it is not an essay issue.

Hindutva leaders began to say that it is not a matter of Hindu and Muslims but it is a matter of Astha and man made laws cannot decide the matter of belief.

If this is a matter of Astha for Hindutva forces, so it is a matter of Astha for Muslims as well.

Why it was not a matter of Astha in past? Why they are confusing the world and Hindu community.

Their recent statements about Astha and dialogue indicate their failure on legal ground and they are on a mission for new theory to make fool Hindu community once again for long times.

If this verdict comes in Muslim’s favor, question arises who will implement court’s order. Will congress implement it, while it tried not to be closed this issue in the past, or other local parties who will prefer to see their votes instead to execute the court’s judgment?

Muslims have left this issue on the court for the sake of the country and its safety. Though, everyone knows that according to Islamic law, any Muslim, Ulema or any Muslim organization cannot sell out or give the land of Masjid to Muslims or others, so how it is possible for them to leave this Masjid in the hand of those whose existence a threat to Indian security.

To avoid any disturbance and abstaining from bloodshed in the country, Muslims decided to leave this issue on court and what it will say, Muslims, by and large, are agreed with to accept court’s order, whether it is in their favor or not.

After all, it is a very crucial issue for others not for Muslims, because, whether this case goes in their favor or not they are the losers in both situations.

We have to wait till court delivers its verdict. It is a time for Muslims to pray to Allah for success. Because, violence, provocative speeches, and inflammatory statements cannot be a part of solution and these cannot bring Babri Masjid to Muslims.

We have to pray and keep peace in their areas and in their cities. If Muslims, as a whole can left this very important issue on Court so what Muslim cannot live peaceful in the society?

Let us see what it comes from the Court on 24th September 2010.
