Saturday, July 9, 2011

منع أسطول الحرية 2 من مغادرة أثينا جرم كبير

بقلم عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

منع أسطول الحرية 2 من مغادرة أثينا بإتجاه غزة جرم كبير وجرم ضد جرائم الإنسانية. هذا الأمر يثبت أن المجتمع الدولي لم يتغير موقفه بعد حول الفلسطين.

الدول الأوروبية وأعضاءها تقوم الأعمال العسكرية بليبيا ضد حكومة القذافي وتنزل السلاح بالمظلة هناك وتزود الدعم المالي والعسكري للثوار الليبيين مؤكداً أنها تقوم بها لحماية أرواح المدنيين ومن جانب آخر، هذه الدول تعارض أي جهد لحماية أرواح المدنيين في غزة التي تعيش في الحصار أكثر من خمس سنوات ، وهناك لا توجد حركة عربية أو غربية لرفع الحصار عن غزة في أسرع وقت ممكن، حتى العالم الذي يشدد العقوبات على سوريا وتصر على العمليات العسكرية في ليبيا يعمل مع الولايات المتحدة والدولة الصهيونية لإبقاء الحصار على غزة.

منع أسطول الحرية 2 من مغادرة أثينا تكشف أن المجتمع الدولي لن يذهب إلى ليبيا لحماية أرواح المدنيين بل لديه أهداف سياسية ستكشف في الأيام القادمة.

إذا المجتمع الدولي يريد بجدية الديمقراطية ويحترم حقوق الإنسان وحرية الإنسان فعليه أن يشارك في عمليات يقوم بها الأفراد الأوروبيون والغربيون لإنهاء الحصار المفروض على غزه في أسرع وقت ممكن، وقبل أن تبدأ ثورة ضد هذا الحصار ، يجب على المجتمع الدولى أن يتحرك ويكف نفسه عن مساعدة الظالم والظلم المستمر بحق شعب غزة والشعب الفلسطيني منذ مدة طويلة.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Homosexuality, sex, Aids, society and people

Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

As it was expected, particular elements and various human rights activists expressed their concerns and registered their anger over the statement made by Union health minister Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad calling gay sex unnatural and a disease. His statements came at the National Convention of Zila Parishad chairpersons and mayors on HIV and Aids in Delhi on July 05, 211.
What Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad said, it is the need of the hour that this issue and other issues related to same society to be brought on the table of discussion on national and domestic level so that these issues to be discussed openly whether this kind of evil activity should be allowed in a society whereby human beings live? 
It leaves no effect on clarifying of Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad over his opinion made by him, because he can say that his statements misquoted, he and other elements, however, cannot refuse that gay sex, lesbian, sex with strange (na-mahram) women, use of drugs and wine and other unnatural works are converting this society into a graveyard where everyone directly or indirectly is closing to his death.
The society which has 400,000 men, who have sex with men, cannot accept any opinion like the statement of Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad that figures this evil activity, a dieses and unnatural, however, the society who thinks about the life of ordinary people it is not easy for it keeping its mouth shut as 7,000 people are being infected with AIDS each day.
HIV affected people in India and across the world
India has 2.5 million HIV positive people. India has 400,000 men who have sex with men. According to a UN report released to mark the disease's 30th anniversary says, "About 7,000 people are being infected with AIDS each day and about half of the 34 million people with HIV do not know they have it".
Same reports says, "about 34 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2010" and "nearly 30 million people have died from Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS" in the past three decades.
Cost that being spent on aids
According to same report of UN "The United States alone accounted for 3.165 billion dollars in AIDS support in 2009. Britain with 658 million, Netherlands with 389 million dollars and Denmark donated most as a percentage of its GDP"
Gay sex in India
Nearly two years ago Delhi High Court legalized gay sex in the country. About 400,000 gay sex workers are in India.  
Homosexuality and sex with strange women or vice versa in Islam
Gay sex, sex with strange (na-mahram) women, and lesbian sex, or anal sex with wife is prohibited in Islam. Islam not only prohibits gay sex but also awards death sentence to Gay sex workers. 
Prophet Lut and, gay sex and destruction of his people
This culture was existed in the people of Prophet Lut (Alaihe ssalato wassalam). Allah had sent Prophet Lut (Alaihe ssalato wassalam) to prevent them from that immoral work. However that people did not accept the teaching of Prophet Lut and insisted on continuing on their evil activities. When the efforts had been made by Lut (Alaihe ssalato wassalam) leaved no effect on them, then finally, Allah decided to destroy that entire city where those people had been living.   
Qura'an states the history of the people of Lut and how they were destroyed; Qura'an says:-
"And Lut! When he said unto his folk: Will you commit an obscenity that none has ever committed before you? You fulfill your lust on men instead of women? Indeed, you are a wanton nation" - (Surah Alaaraf) 7/80-81

How those people destroyed
Even Allah describes the punishment of those people and how thy were destroyed; Qura'an says; 
As-saihah (torment-awful cry) overtook them at the time of sunrise. And we turned (the town of Sodom in Palestine) upside down and rained down on them stones of baked clay. Surley! They (the cities) were right on the highroad (from Makkah to Syria i.e. the place where the dead sea is now). Surely! Therein is indeed a sign for the believers. (Surah Alhajar 76-73)
So when Our Commandment came, We turned (the town of Sodom in Palestine) upside down, and rained on them stones of baked clay, in a well arranged manner one after another. Marked from your Allah, and they are not ever far from the Zalimin (polytheists, evil doers) (Surah Hud 82-83)
Then afterward We destroyed the others. And We rained on them a rain (of torment) And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers. (Surah Ash shuara 175-172)
Mufti Zubair Bayat gives the light on the destruction of these people. At another juncture in the Quraan Majeed, Allah has described the punishment inflicted upon this sick nation. Hazrat Jibra'eel lifted their entire city into the sky, inverted them and brought them crashing down onto earth with a terrific bang. Thereafter, boulders and rocks rained down upon them from the sky. These stones were of a different composition altogether, and each had the name of the culprit to be pelted by it inscribed upon it.
Homosexuality against feminism
Gay and lesbian cultures are against feminism too, because they are against the sprit of marriage. Marriage is very important for men and women. Allah describes the reason of creating men and women as well as of marriage. Allah created men and women for scattering countless men and women to continue the generation of human being.
Qura'an says;  "And among His signs is this, that he created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and he has put between you affection and mercy. Verily, in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.    (Surah Ar-Rum 21)
In Surah An-Nisa, Qura'an says; "O manking! Be dutiful to your Allah, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Hawwa (eve), and from them both He created many men and women (Surah An-Nisa chapter 1)
In homosexuality, the sprit of marriage crushes as gay and lesbian cultures do not fulfill this job. Escalating of this culture is a threat to entire humanity as it targets women directly. Due to establishing sex relation between men and men will crush this nature as it is being created for men and women. It would be mean that women will live without men that would be a disastrous for entire humanity.
The second thing Qura'an says;  "And among His signs is this, that he created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find repose in them, and he has put between you affection and mercy (Surah Ar-Rum 21)
This repose which comes through a physical relation between men and women is not possible in homosexuality, especially men to men and women to women. It comes only through men and women which is a natural thing.
So, both cultures, especially gay culture destroy all boundaries of morality, ethicalness and gentleness.
Its effect on the society
Ulema say as such kind of immoral activity spreads in the society; Allah's anger escalates on entire nation, and thus poverty, starvation, shortage of water, food items escalates. People kill each other. Scores of diseases take the society, country and world under their control.
Why immoral activity takes place?
Gay and lesbian cultures, sex with strange women or girls and vice versa are anti-nature and push the society toward anarchy. Even it is noted that culture of swapping of wives is also increasing in Indian society. This time, I have no statistics data to show how much this culture has permeated in society.
Gay culture, specially, is very immoral, evil, unethical and unnatural sex. This culture is growing in metro cities in India with the consent of government and court.
These diseases are increasing every day and thousands of people are being infected with these diseases annually.
Knowing the fact that unnatural sex, and relationship with strange women and vice versa is not only on way of advancement but also are being supported by various governments in India and across the world. The main point is why this culture or other cultures like it find a place in the society. There are many reasons which shed the light on this anarchy.
1.     Lack of knowledge of Islamic teachings. Because Islam is the sole religion which prohibits all the things lead to anarchy and allows all the things lead to good health. Except Islam, everything and every action is allowed. People stop only when Doctor advises about their health.
2.     Drinking wine.
3.     Not having Halal meat or the foods is allowed in Islam for a human being.
4.     Use of Pork. This animal is natural filthy animal. Its consumption will force human being behave like this animal behaves.
5.     Use of interest (Al-Riba)
6.     Dance clubs, dance parties etc
These are a few but most important tools forcing human being behave like animals. Because above given details have some habits of animals. When human being uses these things they also behave as animals behave, some animal's habits transmit in human body and affect it and thus a human being does unnatural things which are not allowed for human being to have it.            
What is the way out?  
If this thought is being refused that gay culture or homosexuality or sex relation with strange women and vice versa is anti-human rights, as scores of rights activists and supporters of that immoral activity are registering their anger over the statement of Union health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, the point is the hundreds of thousands of men and women, girls and boys who are falling as a victim of uncalled death and families who are ending their lives and lives of their children too, who will take the responsibility of these uncalled deaths.
Only way to prevent these diseases from escalating is to prevent men, women, girls and boys from all immoral activities; homosexuality, lesbian and sex relation with strange (na-haram) women and girls and anal sex with wives. This is the only way of protecting this generation from elimination from this world.
Otherwise, no one can stop it. Huge funds cannot bring them to an end. It is impossible for any state, countries and administration to provide medical facilities to millions of people at one time.
The only one way to stop it is that such kind of immorality and all other activities which are leading to diseases must be banned. Media and televisions can be used to bring awareness against these diseases. This is the single way to protect this planet from millions deaths, otherwise, no need to war, no need of bombs, no need of nuclear weapons. These diseases will eliminate entire human being sooner or later. The person who is affected is coming to close to his death, and those who still not affected they do not know how long they will remain unprotected from this horrific infection which is being carried out by thousands.
Now, Indian government is considering in opening and enhancing Islamic Banking across the country for the development of the country. So, it is a best time for Indian government and other NGOs which are working in bringing awareness about HIV to study Islamic teachings and instructions and take benefits from them in preventing men, women, girls and boys from falling as a victim of uncalled death.    
Let us see this so-called advanced world learns the lesson from the death of millions or it carry out more work bringing more men and women to push them into the well of death. 