Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Modern education; avails and bad effects on society


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Usually, this perception rules in society that modern education system requires no reformation and changes in syllabus, as it is being taught in English medium, besides it, a committee, comprising well-qualified educationists monitor the syllabus every time and every year and the changes to be made, if it is necessary, as well as, governments spent lakhs rupees every year on monitoring and preparing new syllabus.

In this era, in which we are living, education and information has become a part and parcel of the society. Even no one can survive without it, particularly, in this age, when every time and every day we meet with new technologies.

Every country is promoting education and bringing awareness among people to remove illiteracy from the society.

Today, a network of educational institutions has mushroomed in every country. Every year, hundreds and thousands of students come out from these institutions. These students according to their qualifications and capacities, get the job anywhere in the world and try to start a new life.

No doubt; revolution of human beings in technical fields made the life very easy. It reduced the travel times from days into few hours. It made human beings capable to fly into sky. Computers, Internet, flying airplanes, mobile, 3d, I-pad, I-phone etc are the greatest innovations of this modern education system.

These are some advantages of this modern education system. Its momentous role in bringing new technologies and introducing it with the world is undeniable.

Now; let us see the other side of this modern education system and its undeniable horrible effects on entire world.

In this era, when materialism has slinked into the society, everyone is dreaming to get higher education enabling him to make more money.

Eventually, this time the concept of education has changed. When we were children, we had been reading that education helps in building up a civilized society. Education makes human beings a good citizen where every individual and older people enjoy a good atmosphere.

Today, it is called stereotype ideas. Education, particularly, higher education is being taken to make life style batter. In short words, education has become a source of making money, whether it comes from illegal ways.

Modern education system is making Engineers, doctors, architect, great businessmen, economists, politicians, educationists and so on, but this modern education system didn't make generation that spread peace in the society; the generation that keep itself away from crimes; the generation that respect their parents; not betray them from their homes and from their lives; the generation whose education, manner, behavior instill the society with happiness and cheerfulness; the generation whose presence in the society force bad elements to leave it; the generation who help each others, not kill each others for politics, for religion, for getting higher position; the generation who spread love, peace, respect and honor.

Does this modern education system delivered like that generation? Does this modern education system saved the society from bad deeds?

These things might be named stereotyped ideas. But, why entire India relied behind Anna Hazare to fight corruption? Will corruption to be finished just passing Lokpal bill? In the society, where from top to bottom everything is not in its right place, even the money to be paid to take breath; and where the educated generation is itself is the part of this corruption and incapable in removing it from the society; can any movement finish the corruption overnight? This is just an idle talk.

Any way, we were discussing on modern education system. So, the students of these modern educational institutions might be a master in assembling various spare parts? They may have learned how the boss been impressed? How can the business be progressed? And so on.

However, do we ready to believe; technologies, innovations, establishment of new institutions and new research to boost economic condition not work everywhere. There are so many faculties in daily life which require no technologies.

The generation which is the product of this modern education system, is unaware about other relations which are an essential part of every society. For example, the students come out from these modern educational institutions do not know the rights of parents; rights of neighbors; rights of wife; rights of husband; and about vary, very small things that play in keeping relationships save from falling into chaos.

The education is being delivered there cannot be used in homes, where parents, wife, sisters, brothers, relatives and neighbors meet with each others; share some very precious moments that convey a wave of happiness for everyone.

This is a very important question and every human being has to search the answer of this question, as it is related to the society, where we live in. It is related to the life of every individual, whether he lives in anywhere of the world.

Does education's aims are mere delivering technical education? Can only technical education solve all elements of the society?

Do standing the society on the verge of collapse; advanced greed and eagerness of making more money in the people, and struggling of new and young generation with irremediable disease not call us to think how much modern education successful is?

There is a question; why modern educated generation and educated society has failed in solving the elements, society and everyone is struggling with it? Why modern education system became failed in throwing the good result out?

As literacy rates in the country, as well as, across the glob are on rise, crime rates are increasing, rather than reducing,

Every year, thousands of educated students holding degrees from honorable and prominent educational institutions are coming out, on the other hand, corruptions, price rise, new and irremediable diseases, rapes, murder, occupying other's plots, embezzlement, sexual exploitation of women and girls, significantly, falling of young generation into drugs and immoral activities that are destroying their health and like that incidents are taking place more. Why; what are the reasons behind them; are we thought for a moment about it?

When the time comes for these students to enlighten the world with their knowledge and to show what they have learned there, they instill the world with wars and bloodsheds; is it not true?

These students of this modern education system use new technologies to destroy others, as the glob has experienced it in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, where hundreds of thousands of people fallen as dead in just few seconds, and this time, it is being reproduced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Palestine and in various parts of the world. Are these facts wrong? Who did it; these deeds have been done by most educated generation and by most developed country; is it not true?

It is seen; when modern education system suggested nothing, as well as, the pressure from various sections of the society was mounting on government to tackle immoral activities that were spreading very rapidly and when there was no way but to take some steps, so, the government legalized the crimes and immoral activities, various western and European countries legalized some crimes in order to decrease crime rates.

Prostitution, Gay culture, Lesbian culture, and various other immoral activities, such as live in relationship etc, which were a taboo in the society legalized in the name of fundamental rights, as current and modern education system was incapable in bringing any solution to prevent it from happening.

Is it not true; increasing the trend of legalizing immoral activities landed the society into irremediable disease?

Aids is the latest example of these immoral anarchism. This disease has gulped down hundreds of thousands of lives in the world. Same numbers are lying in beds and the fear is that hundreds of thousands would be killed in years to come due to this disease. Doctors, scientists and new technologies are incapable in removing this disease from the society. Who will take the responsibility of these deaths? Does modern education system not to be hold accountable for this chaos?

This is a bitter truth of our society, but, we know the world and society cannot accept this big blunder of this modern education system even millions to be killed in hiding the truth, as it is happening everywhere.

These facts state that innovations and new technologies failed in solving every bad element of the society.

Laptop, computer, cars, metro trains and browsing Internet cannot solve every problem of human beings.

My intention is not of undermining these technologies. Technologies shine in its place. Technologies dominance in the society cannot make it free from all bad elements.

The fact itself is stating the bad effects of modern education. Powerful countries are using education to make more dangerous weapons that empower them to destroy whole world in just few minutes. All new technologies are being used to destroy this planet. This time, entire glob is presenting a scene of war. Peace just remained a word. Every community and every country is killing oppositions claming it is bringing reformations and peace.

It is bitter fact that establishment of world-class higher education system cannot remove the castes and untouchable system from the society. Caste and creed have become the measure for the people of this class to get benefits from government's schemes.

If we are educated, then why the world is living in war? Why justice finds no a place in the world? Why these technologies are being used to kill us? Why castes left the communities divided? Why government's every effort to bring the crime to an end meets with failure?

If modern Education makes human being a civilized person, if it prevents society and every individual from falling into corruptions, violence, war, conflicts, rapes, killing, and bigotry, if it helps government in removing poverty and bad deeds that makes the society a hell, then why every person in the society is still struggling for a peaceful atmosphere, for a society free from corruption, poverty, violence? How long time, the students of these institutions need to defeat these bad deeds?

Whether we have to accept it or not, this time, the flag of all illegal activities, on national and international level, is in the hand of educated people; why is it so?

In my childhood, we had been lessening; dacoits came; dacoits came; today, there is no dacoit in our society. Today, we never heard that dacoit came; because their place taken by today's educated people who came out from these modern schools and universities.

Million rupees scams; occupying the resources of other countries, massacres of human beings, destroying religious places and displacing of poor class of the society are a work of these educated people.

If modern education becomes failure in preventing the society from these elements or the generation that is getting education is incapable in solving the problems of the society, it’s mean, either education or the generation that is getting this modern education, is unaware how to be faced and put the problems on an end.

These facts and truth of our society stating blatantly that time has come to bring the changes in modern education system.

The education which constitute fear of Allah in boys and girls, prevent them from bad elements, and play a role in making them a good citizen, must be built up.

The education that makes them feel of accountable of everything they do in their daily life, secretly or openly, must be introduced. The education that teaches people to live as human beings not like as animal, must be introduced there.

The modern education system must be reformed, because technologies always not shine, but right education always remains into work, as well as, right education can save the world and society from chaos and destruction.

Any way, there is less hope that this so-called educated generation will be ready to bring reformation in modern education system, but, if it continues into effect without changes in its syllabus, a day this world would be break down.

Tsunami, floods, climate change, wars, earthquakes; destructions in nuclear power plants in Japan, increasing diseases and violence in the society and poverty, that all are a handy work of this modern education system are an alarming signals for all and for every individual that the world is near on collapse if the changes, very urgently, not to be made in modern education system.
