Saturday, March 10, 2012

إهانة القرآن ، والعالم الإسلامي

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

في هذا الوقت، يزيد عدد المسلمين في البلدان المسلمة وغير المسلمة في العالم. كذلك شاهدنا ثورة ضد النظام الجائر، ومظاهرة ضد البطالة ، وإجتماعات مكثفة ضد الأزمة الإقتصادية ، ومهرجانات بمناسبة نجاح الجهود والثورات. الصحف اليومية مليئة بالإنتقادات اللاذعة والهجوم الشامل ضد الفساد وعلى زيادة الجرائم الجنسية ضد النساء والبنات ، رأينا النشطاء والصحافيين والليبراليين منتقدين على كل من يتكلم ضد السينما أو ضد الفنان.

أثناء تلك التطورات اليومية والأسبوعية والشهرية ، حدثت واقعة إحراق المصحف الشريف في أفغانستان حيثما خرج الشعب الأفغاني تنديداً عملية إحراق المصحف الشريف بأيدي القوات الامريكية الموجودة في أفغانستان. رأينا مظاهرات حاشدة وعنيفة في أفغانستان وفي بعض الدول المسلمة حيثما بعض المسلمين الذين كانوا شاركوا فيها سقطوا قتيلاً وجريحاً، حتى هذه المظاهرات إستمرت لعدة أيام، وانتهت بعد إعتذار من الرئيس الأمريكي.

هذه الواقعة كشفت الحقائق وكيد الخائنين في الأمراء والحكام المسلمين الذين يفضلون السياسة على الدين. شوهد أن معظم البلدان المسلمة شاركت في الحرب ضد الإرهاب مع الحلفاء الآخرين واتخذت جميع الإجراءات لمنع العناصر من إستخدام إراضيها للأعمال الإرهابية. وهذا كان حدث لأن السياسة كانت طلبت منها لقيام ذلك. وإنها ساكتة الآن على حادثة إهانة القرآن لأن السياسة تطلب منها على عدم التدخل في هذا الموضوع لأن الأصدقاء السياسيين في العالم لم يطلبوا منها لإتخاذ موقف حاسم تجاه الأعمال الإجرامية التي تقع دورياً في العالم بأيدي أعداء الإسلام لكشف حقدهم وغضبهم عن الإسلام.

فالبلدان المسلمة قد كانت إختارت السكوت عليها ولم تقل كلمة ضد تلك الأعمال الإجرامية التي قد تم قيامها بأيدي القوات الأمريكية.

المسلمون في العالم كانوا ينتظرون من الصحافيين المسلمين والشخصيات السياسية المسلمة والرؤساء المسلمين والشخصيات التي يقوم بأعمالهم في السينما التصريحات التي تندد عمل إحراق المصحف الشريف لكنهم لم يقولوا كلمة ، كما لم يحدث شيئاً.

هذا الشيئ غير مطلوب من حكام البلدان المسلمة والشخصيات المسلمة ، ومثل ذلك الموقف يكشف أهدافهم السياسية التي لن تخدمهم في حالة إستمرار تلك السياسة ضد المصحف الشريف.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

It was not just merely violence


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Gujarat 2002 genocide marks 10th anniversary this year. During these periods, there were so many changes and transformation in thoughts and ideologies shifted from one to another. If there have been voices asking Muslims to forget it, on the other side, there have been a silent conspiracy by majority community to downplay the horrific blood and guts administrated by known and renowned players.

Terming of Gujarat 2002 genocide merely violence by a vast section of media, journalists and academics is a bid to give little weight to the horrific carnage that left more than 2000 dead, more than five lakhs displaced people and that left thousands of women humiliated collectively to punish them and their community mentally for long time. Downplaying of horrific carnage demonstrates their discourtesy and hypocrisy they have in their minds and hearts.

It was neither violence nor just riots that had taken place. It was beyond doubt a genocide in which cadres of all wings of Hindutva forces had joined hand to carry out what they wanted against a particular community under the supervision of state administrations. Women and girls raped, torched, their stomach pierced and burnt alive in broad daylight to hide the evidences of their cruelty. All boundaries of humanity crossed there, even humanity puts down its head in shame.

In this genocide, entire state machineries from top to bottom, directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, deliberately or unwittingly were involved. Even limited time table with all details of Muslims had been given to the Hindutva forces to vent their anger out. After the genocide ended, state machineries came into motion and attempted to prevent victims from registering FIR, or efforts were made in which perpetrators got bail very easily.

Beyond of fact, the accountability of this genocide and then denial of justice to the affected people goes to State government headed by Modi, likewise, responsibility of minimizing this holocaust and its grievances to arrange a moral station to the organizers of that genocide goes to the so-called secular mask-clad faces, representatives, journalists and businessmen.

The renowned faces of India, politicians and religious dress clad personalities of different communities, lecture people of having life free from violence asking them to give alms to needy people for mental peace, cry over peaceful police action against so-called corruption rally at Ramlila ground terming it a blot on democracy, still maintained silence over this genocide even they didn't say a single small word in favour of the affected people or against state government and masterminds of that horrific carnage that demonstrates that India still a place where people are being killed and slaughtered because of religion especially in the age of Internet.

The most tragic angle of the genocide or the holocaust is that a large number of majority community of Indian society which is busy in getting a peaceful, luxury and happy life, didn't come out collectively and openly against the forces played blood bath and prevented victims to establish their shattered and burnt home again, even there have been a collectively silent effort to call it just merely violence so that state government and masterminds get a moral ground to proud on their inhuman act in anti-minority campaign.

In fact, not only Modi but also a vast number of majority community of India are equal responsible in providing moral shelter to the killers and murderers.

It is a fact, there were hundreds and thousands of people who took part in that massacre but there are millions whose hands are colored with the blood of Indian citizens because they did not come out against such elements openly. They watched horrors, staged on the streets and roads of affected areas, live sitting in their drying rooms but they didn't take to streets and roads against existing of such elements in society or in government even they justify the acts through so-called secular minds terming it just merely violence.

During a decade of harassment, pain and agony, neither the society of Gujarat changed toward Muslims nor the stand of vast number of majority shifted from silent support to open condemnation.

Those who term it just violence indeed they are with murderers. They have something in their minds and hearts but don't want to show their real and ugly face.

5, March, 2012