Friday, December 23, 2011

حقوق النساء المسلمات محفوظة لكن من يقاوم لحقوق النساء اللواتي يعشن في المجتمع الغربي

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

بعد فوز الجماعات السياسية المقربة من الأفكار الإسلامية ، الغرب وأصدقائها في البلدان العربية يعبرون عن مخاوفهم في حقوق المرأة في البلدان العربية التي شهدت فوز جماعات إسلامية في الإنتخابات التشريعية والبرلمانية ، حتى بعض من القادة في الغرب إتهموا أحزاباً سياسيةً في تهميش النساء في المجتمع العربي.

الإسلام دين يحافظ حقوق جميع النساء خاصة النساء المسلمات، فحقوقهن محفوظة في مجتمع مسلم، حقوق الأم و حقوق الزوجة وحقوق البنت و حقوق الخادمات وحقوق الأخت كلها محفوظة في الإسلام ، ولا يمكن لأي مسلم أن يجهضها ، حتى يمكن للنساء المسلمات أن تصل إلى درجات عالية مقارنة رجل مسلم في الصلواة والصوم والعبادات والأعمال الخيرية ويمكن مشاركتهن في الأعمال التجارية وجميع الأعمال متمسكاً مبادئ الشريعة الإسلامية مع إنفاذها في حياتهن اليومية.

فحقوق النساء في مجتمع مسلم معروفة لدى الجميع ، حيث أن حقوق النساء المسلمات واجبة على جميع المسلمين ولا يمكن لأي جماعة مسلمة، أو منظمات مسلمة، أو رجل مسلم أن يتجاهل عنها.

لكن حقوق النساء في البلدان الغربية ليست محفوظة ، حتى النساء يشعرن أنهن غير محفوظة في الشوارع والجامعات وفي مواقف السيارات حتى في بيوتهن حيثما يمرن بتجارب قاسية ومؤلمة غير قادرة في حلها عن طريق أي نظام.

فالمجتمع حيثما تباع بنات ونساء، ويغتصبن، ويجبرن على بيع جسمهن، وحيثما توجد مناطق دعارة لتجارة النساء والبنات والأطفال في ظل حماية قانونية ، هل هذا المجتمع يستأهل أن يسأل من أحد أن يحترم حقوق النساء.

المجتمع الذي يدعي أنه يحترم حقوق النساء ويعطيهن حرية كاملة ، هو المجتمع يسجل أكبر جرائم ضد النساء والبنات. المجتمع الذي قد فشل في حفاظ حقوق النساء وفي إحترامهن ، هل هذا المجتمع يستحق أن يعلن أنه يحترم النساء.

فالقادة والزعماء والعناصر والصحف ووسائل الإعلام الذين يرفعون أصواتهم بحق حقوق النساء ، ويدعون المجتمع المسلم إلى إحترامها ، عليهم أن يصلحوا مجتمعهم أولاً، ويعطوهن حقاً كاملاً حيث أن هناك فتنة بإسم حقوق المرآة ، وتلك العناصر تبحث آليات لزعزعة إستقرار البلدان العربية وإنها تبحث السبل للتدخل في شئونها بذريعة مختلفة وهذا كله فقط فتنة حيث إنها لا تهتم بحقوق النساء ولا الرجال بل إنها تحب فقط إشعال الفتنة لعدم إعطاء فرصة للبلدان العربية والمسلمة أن تتمتع الأمن والإستقرار في وضع آمن فإنها أحياناً تريد التدخل في البلدان العربية بإسم حقوق المرآة وإحياناً بإسم الحرية ، وأحياناً باسم شعارات طائفية.

الهدف الحقيقي هو إجهاض عملية السلام في البلدان العربية والمسلمة بدفعها إلى الحروب والعنف والتمرد وقتل الآبرياء إستغلالاً من هذا الوضع لدفع البلدان المسلمة في الحروب والعنف فقط وإخراجها من الأمن والإستقرار والسلامة


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Muslim intellectuals must concentrate on valid issues


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

Ever since I have joined English journalism, I have been experiencing a negative and traditional views and perceptions are being flooded by Muslim intellectuals and writers who got crippled by certain invalid and insignificant subjects even their articles and views remain free from knowledgeable, healthy and effective issues, seemingly they have been stranded in the net thrown out by the enemies of Islam and Muslims, or they drawn the line themselves refusing to walk out from that boundaries.

Most Muslim scholars write in English language start their articles from the word of Madarsa and put end on the word of Ulema; except it, neither they want explore their minds and thoughts, nor present good and valid information enthusiastic to Muslim generation inside and outside India.

Challenges, difficulties and conspiracies are a part of life of every Muslim, whether they are from liberal classes or religious. Nobody is going to be soft with any Muslim because of his / her moderate or religious views. Even Muslim writers do discuss on the issues anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic lobbyists want that those issues to be discussed by them.

As a strong Muslim nation, the needs are forcing those Muslim writers to enlarge their ambit of thought and views; write something on burning issues within the boundaries set by Islam.

There are various sections where Muslim’s presence is zero. There are a few Muslim writers who write on burning topics, while there are endless lists of Muslim writers who use their all energies in unsolvable and invalid subjects; even they don’t have intentions in coming out from the world they have sketched out it for themselves.

I have never ever seen any article written by Muslim writers about India’s foreign policy, FDI, RTE act, Direct tax code bill, implications and benefits on Muslims, India’s internal policy, India’s role in Afghanistan etc.

It is very essential, Muslim students graduated from Muslim and none-Muslim universities must discuss on those issues, they must put their stand on the policies, whether they are for or against the country, are being adopted by central & state governments.

No doubt, Muslim’s issues and problems are huge and are endless, however, we, being Muslims, created by Allah Ta’ala to lead the entire world and nations irrespective of their religion and color. It is our religious obligations to make people of India feel that policies or decisions or laws how much could be a profitable for them and for the country. It is not necessarily that policy taken by government of India is to be good for the country. We have to reveal what are impairments in policies or laws government adopt it, time to time, placing our stand, and let people of India know that what were the advantages and disadvantages of those policies.

Such sort of steps will encourage others to lessen Muslim’s voice, their views and their stand.

Every year thousands of Muslim students walk out from various universities holding degrees in various professions. Where do they go? Why do we not feel their presence on various valid issues?

There are various entertainment channels; films serials and programs are propagating negative attitude of Muslims in society; who will raise this issue? Who will stand before them to defend Muslim’s image? Muslims do not let other communities down on any platform; then why such channels and elements put Muslim community on question; who will give the answer of these things? They have been carrying out these things because nobody in Muslim community has courage to give an answer in descent manner; thoughts and pen of Muslim writers and Muslims political analysts round only invalid issues; such as how Madarsas to be converted into universities; how Burqa to be converted into another dress code; how Muslim’s development has been stopped because of ban on Ijtehad etceteras; when they have been called to discus on issues of Muslims and country; their articles; ideas and views start from Ulema and got ended on Madarsas.

I read various articles in English language written by Muslim writers about Ijtihad; is there any need of Ijtihad in launching English daily newspaper; is any need of Ijtihad in establishing TV news channels; is there any need of Ijtihad in building hospitals, schools and universities; even some Muslim intellectuals try to make us feel that all doors of development have been closed on Muslims because the door of Ijtihad is closed. It seems there is nothing in India as well as in the world except these some invalid issues.

This time, India has been passing through its difficult and hard days; violence; injustice; corruption; division of society on religious, creed and color’s line, growing right wing’s activities; price rise ask us to explore our minds and be ready to face those challenges.

The issue of arresting innocent Muslim youths and picking up any Muslim youth claiming he is involved in terror attack is a very serious issue alarming us to wake up from our sleep, taking adequate steps that threw their fruits for the future of Muslim youths.

There are a lot of opportunities; resources and ways Muslims intellectuals and new Muslim generation can use it to raise their voices; Muslim writers and Muslim political analysts can share their opinions with communities over various topics, but first they have to walk out from that boundaries of thoughts sketched out by them.

Nobody will come to protect Muslims. Muslim writers and Muslim intellectuals must change their views, way of thinking and be honest in their work. What type of life Muslims want they have to decide; the way of blaming Ulema and each other must be brought to an end. We must concentrate on valid issues; hard work and effective knowledge.

Muslims by and large must know that they are not a common nation. Muslims are responsible for all damages taking place anywhere in the world, because Allah held them accountable for leading of entire nation from the era of dark and ignorance. So, it is our duty to concentrate on real life issues and face the facts if we want to live as an alive nation.
