Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi
Muslims development is a largest debatable topic in Muslim and non-Muslim world. Various steps have been taken to turn this debatable topic into reality. Some of them banned Islam to bring modernity in Muslim community. Some of them banned Burqa to connect Muslim women with main stream. Some of them thought that blindly following western culture would bring advancement.
In short words, all ways, peacefully and violently which is still continuing, as America is doing in Muslim world, nowadays, have been used to connect Muslims with advancement in Muslim and non-Muslim world, but all efforts ended in failure and the target yet to be achieved.
As for getting of education and delivering it, so Islam is the first religion that introduced education to the world.
Allah says; “Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clinging substance. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous, Who taught by the pen. Taught man that which he knew not” (Surah Al Alaq)
In these Qura'anic verses, the importance of education, reason of getting the education, future of Muslims and of the world stated completely and without any ambiguity.
In spite of presence of these revolutionary Quranic verses, Muslims and education is still a contradict word.
Indeed, we cannot hold only Muslims responsible for this neglect. There are very huge role of the enemies of Muslims too in pushing them into marsh of poverty and illiteracy to keep their dominance on the world by applying a despotic system on entire glob.
Study of last 50 decades revels Muslims and Muslim world's struggle to keep their Islamic and Muslim identity alive which is still going on in most of the Muslim world.
The condition of Indian Muslims too was not different from any others. It is only Muslim nation (Particularly in India) that is still struggling to survive to overcome on the problems and to remove the blot of illiteracy with keeping its Islamic and Muslim identities despite of experiencing disastrous tragedies and genocide that were enough to wipe out any nation from the map of the world.
In latter periods, God gifted hoards of natural resources to Muslims changed their life style in some Arab countries and forced other worlds to get the petrol from them.
In spite of these ups and downs, Muslim's fall is remained to continue. They have become a choice morsel. Targeting them, discrimination against them, labeling terror charges on them or killing them a very easy work for everyone, whether they are advocators of law or advocators of justice and democracy.
How this fall would be prevented and how they would be on the top of development is a matter of great concern for Muslims and non-Muslims too.
Let us see what Qura'an says about development and Muslims rise.
Our efforts aim encircles only on Muslims development, while the Qura'anic views are totally different from the views we commonly think and discuss on their developments. Qura'an not only discusses on developmental issues for entire world but also insists and discusses on the angle that helps Muslims in regaining their position in the society and on international level.
Because the fall of nations start first in the society, where they lost their dignity, adoration, approbation and tribute of the common man. Badness makes its place in the society. They fall from the eyes of people. Theft, murder, lie, fabrication, disrespect of parents, adultery, disrespect of Ulema-e-karam aweless of teaching of Qura'an and Ahadieth etc when becomes a distinction of the society, then the fall of nation become starts.
Today's Muslims and non-Muslim society presents same picture, then how we can hope of success.
Allah say; “and you will be superior if you are [true] believers” (Surah Ali Imran 139)
This is a very revolutionary verse. In this verse Allah declares Muslim's superiority in entire world for unlimited periods but the condition is that Muslims to be a “true believer”.
Muslims' development, their superiority and capability to take again their position if it slips from them depends only when Muslims, by and large, become a true believer of Allah.
Today, Muslims can do everything. Even killing and getting killed for the sake of Islam is a very easiest task for them. They can be a violent or suicide bomber. They can become an MP, Prime Minister, or President, or they can go beyond the imagination for the sake of Islam, however, becoming a true believer of Islam is a task that yet to be completed.
Islam dislikes huge and violent crowds taking weapons in hands and rising slogans of Islam, but in actual their hearts are free from the spirit of Islam. Islam wants a very small group but it to be a true believer of Islam.
It is true, this is our duty to fight and raise the voices for the cause of Muslims but we feel pain when we visit Muslim areas and find characterless groups of Muslim boys and youths.
Our efforts for Muslims educational and their economical development should remain to continue. The efforts to restore occupied Masjids should not be affected by any hurdle. All work that help in uplifting Muslims should remain on track, but becoming a true believer of Islam and going ahead on the way stated by Prophet Mohammad need more intensive efforts and sacrifices. Because Allah promises development and superiority when the changes take place in our own lives, and we will shape it onto the teachings of Islam, so Muslims must follow the routes of Islam to become true believers in order to regain their lost positions in entire world.