Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When dialogue and negotiation does not work


Abdul Hannan Siwani Nadvi

In the perspective of Palestine and Zionist State, United States, European Union and other so-called peace loved International establishments always incline toward negotiation and solving the issue comes through dialogue table.

US and EU, who had opposed dialogue with Taliban and Alqeda and whose combatant forces have been thrashing the sovereignty of Afghanistan since last ten years, oppose any combatant move or the process through International platform such as UN to put the conflict to an end.

In extensive pressure from US and International community, a group of Palestinian factions known Fatah is involved in the process of dialogue with Zionist State either mediation or direct talk since last 20 years without laying the ground for success. And what appeared Palestinians got nothing except a new date of resuming the talk.

In the meantime, Zionist State made its position more strong with the help of US by continuing the building of new settlements on Palestinians territories.

During these long periods, Zionist State slapped war on Palestinians, apprehended thousands of Palestinian youths, men and women, put Gaza on size, assassinated dozens of Palestinians and their leaders and even International community did not fulfill its promise to support an independent Palestinian state.

They just say; solve the issue through dialogue, sometimes use pressure, sometimes threat them for stopping funds to be given to Palestinian authority and sometimes other tactics to be used to keep pressure on Palestinians to commence talk with Zionist State, while every party has clear view that negotiation has failed in throwing results out.

In that despair atmosphere, capturing of Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit in the hand of Hamas angered those so-called leaders who only use mask of peace to hide their ugly face.

The recent deal of exchange of prisoners between Hamas and Zionist State show that sometimes dialogue does not work and certain stern steps to be taken to get their demand fulfilled that was the thing made by Hamas in getting their prisoners out from Israeli prisons which are not a prison but a hell on the planet.

When Hamas used iron hand and forced Israel to make a swap with it, it got 1027 Palestinian prisoners out for one Israeli soldier.

Israeli's downfall in the face of Hamas and conceding its conditions to release 1027 Palestinian prisoners show that Israel is using the tactic of dialogue to just delay the issue because Fatah which is involved in peace process with Israel, could not get one single prisoner out from Israeli jail due to the talk and negotiation is one for decades, while Hamas forced Israel on releasing 1027 Palestinians within 6 years by capturing only one Israeli soldier.

This deal is being seen a big victory for Hamas on all platforms specially when Hamas government in Gaza is under Israeli blockade since 2006, faced war in 2008 and suffered so many setbacks and pressure from International community for holding Israeli soldier under its captivity facing a threat from Israeli intelligence agencies over the secret place where Israeli soldier had been kept, and finally its leadership got what it wanted from Israel.

Negotiation throws its fruits only when both sides enjoy same balance in military power. In that point, Israel enjoys the status of a huge and great power in the Middle East region while Hamas or Fatah or Palestinians have ever nothing, even their own country. Israel decides what Palestinians will eat and what will not, which kind of goods will go ahead into Palestinian territories and which kind of not.

This military imbalance caused no solution and encouraged Zionist State to dominate on Palestinian lands as it wants and sets the conditions as per its own terms. But it could not do that when its own soldier came into the hand of Palestinians.

This swap that forced Israel to free 1027 Palestinians sheds the light that sometimes dialogue and negotiation does not work and the solution does not come through peace process. Some hard step brings solution and delivers good and speedy results.


ليبيا في مرحلة جديدة

بقلم : عبد الحنان السيواني الندوي

بدأت ليبيا التاريخ الجديد والجو الحر بعد إطاحة نظام فردي إستمر إلى 42 سنة ودفعت ليبيا إلى ما فقدت أهميتها التاريخية والإقتصادية والعسكرية في العالم.

وكذلك هناك مسئولية كبرى وهي أكبر مسئوولية من القتال على كاتف المجلس الإنتقالي الليبي ليقود ليبيا إلى بلاد آمنة لكي تسير على مسار الرقى والتطور الذي كان مفقوداً في المجتمع الليبي منذ عقود.

وهذه مسئولية أيضا لجميع الثوار الذين شاركوا في مرحلة تاريخية أن لا يلقوا بأيديهم في التهلكة ويحاولوا قيام الأمن والإستقرار في البلاد تجنباً من مظاهر الأسلحة في المناطق العامة لأن إنتشار الأسلحة تثير المخاوف في المواطنين الذين يتمنون ويريدون الأمن والإستقرار في البلاد.

وكذلك هذه مسئولية كبيرة لجميع الفئات والشرائح للمجتمع الليبي سواء هي دينية أو سياسية أو من أي حزب أن يقوموا الوحدة في صفوفهم بعيداً عن إستغلال فرص الأجواء الحالية التي تمر بأجواء صعبة جداً وهذه الصعوبة أكبر من القتال والحرب التي وضعت أوزارها في ليبيا قبل أيام.

هذا التاريخ الجديد الذي بدأ الليبيون وقد كان رأووه في حلمهم قبل ثمان أشهر تاريخ مهم للشبان الليبيين وإنه يقرر مصيرة هذه البلاد في الأيام القادمة.

والآن عندما ليبيا قد حررت كامل وأنتهي نظام ديكتاتوري، آن الأوان للشعب الليبي والقيادة الجديدة بجلب هذه البلاد إلى مسار تطور وإلى نظام يتنفس جميع الفئات والشرائح للمجتمع وكل منهم يعيش بالفرح والسرور ويكونون سعداء في هذه الأجواء الحرة التي جاءت بتضحيات غالية وكبيرة كان لا يتوقعها الليبيون في الماضي.
